Whether you've been dating for a few months or you've been married for 20 years, the decision to stay in the relationship or end it can be confusing and painful. 

Your brain goes crazy with soooo many thoughts....

Did I try hard enough?Could I have done more?Are my friends right?What if I make the wrong decision?Maybe being with him is better than being alone?

I wish there was some sort of quiz I could point you to where you would answer a series of questions and it would tell you the “right thing” to do but life is far more complicated than that. 

What I can do, though, is share five very specific things you may not have thought of yet that will help make the decision of whether to stay or go a little less complicated.

Still not sure what to do?  Email me at [email protected]
You'll also find lots of love, support and excellent advice in my Facebook group, LOVE STARTS HERE.  Click the link to join!