Woo Hoo!  We're celebrating 50 EPISODES of the Love Starts Here podcast!

In this podcast, I'm counting down the top 5 most downloaded episodes and giving you the highlights from each one. 

Even if you've been a loyal listener from the beginning, this episode is full of good reminders and insights your brain may have forgotten!

To listen to the full episodes, use the links below and don't forget to leave a review!

#5 - Episode 10 - Five Tips For Moving On From Your Ex
#4 - Episode 20 - Self Confidence Secrets
#3 - Episode 33 - How Mindset Impacts Your Life (and Love)
#2 - Episode 14 - What is Love?
#1 - Episode 29 - Perfection, Sex-Clubs and Self-Love w/Ashleigh Renard, Author of Swing