I recently had a moment where my brain told me a lot of stories all at once that weren't true, and definitely weren't helpful.

I realized in that moment, how drastically things can change when you believe everything you think - and how much the results you have now and will have in the future are determined by which thoughts you choose to believe.

In this episode, I'm sharing what happened in a way that I know you'll all totally relate to.  And I tell you the first, most powerful step you can take towards taking control of your thoughts and therefore your results. 

This is a quickie, but so powerful!

P.S.  Quest for Love is getting a name change and a makeover soon so watch for "Love Starts Here" to appear in your podcast subscriptions!

P.P.S. Have you joined the Love Starts Here Facebook group yet?  If not, you're missing out on lots of tips, advice, tools and free stuff!