|1| Police Scotland reported for Hate Incident.

|2| Judge Kavanaugh.

|3| Ted Cruz.

|4| Jazz Hands.

|5| Prostitutes in University.

|6| Marxist Indoctrination.

|7| Woman.



|1| Police Scotland - A hate incident.  

The Wee Flea – Police Scotland and the Scottish Government Reported for Hate Incident


|2| Judge Kavanaugh.

The Wee Flea – America’s Disgrace


|3| Ted Cruz.  

Gateway Pundit -  Ted Cruz chased from DC restaurant by screaming Kavanaugh protesters – his wife harassed during exit (video)


|4| Jazz hands.

BBC – University of Manchester bans clapping.


|5| Prostitutes in University.

The Times - How to be a sex worker — advice for freshers


|6| Marxist Indoctrination.

Facebook -  FILM Your Marxist Professors - FYMP  - Dr Grover Furr Montclaire University saying Stalin did not kill anyone.


|7| Woman.

Sky News on Twitter – Feminist Poster Removed



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