|1|  Naomi Osaka, Serena Williams and Alistair Cook

|2|  South Yorkshire Police ask for "Non-Crime" Hate incidents to be reported.

|3|  Transgender Prison Rapist.

|4|  Jacob Rees-Mogg protest.

|5|  Trans rights campaigners defend Russian Gulags.

|6|  Archbishop of Canterbury's speech at the Trades Union Congress.

|7|  The Getty's "Sing 2018" Conference.

|8|  Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry.



|1|  Naomi Osaka, Serena Williams and Alistair Cook.

The Guardian  |  Naomi Osaka admits she was 'a little bit sad' as US Open win ended in boos




|2| Offensive Tweets & the Police | South Yorkshire Police ask for "Non-Crime" Hate to be reported.


Talk Radio on YouTube  |  Would you call the police "hurty-feelings helpline?" - Julia Hartley-Brewer

|3| Transgender Prisoner.

BBC Radio 4  |  PM Friday 7th September  5:22pm 


The Times  |  Rapist, Karen White, in women’s jail ‘was trans faker’


|4|  Jacob Rees-Mogg Protest


BBC News  |  Jacob Rees-Mogg brushes off protest outside home

|5| Trans rights campaigners defend Russian Gulags
The Telegraph  |  Gulags were 'compassionate', 'educational' institutions, say trans rights campaigners

|6| Archbishop of Canterbury's speech at the Trades Union Congress.
ArchbishopofCaterbury.org  |  Archbishop of Canterbury's speech at the TUC

|7|  The Getty's "Sing 2018" Conference.



GettyMusic.com - 2018 Sing! Conference Digital On-Demand Pass

|8|  Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry.

The Wee Flea - Gay Girl, Good God.

“I don’t believe it is wise or truthful to the power of the gospel to identify oneself by the sins of one’s past or the temptations of one’s present but rather to only be defined by the Christ who is overcome both for those He calls His own. All men and women, including myself, that are well acquainted with sexual temptation are ultimately not what our temptation says of us. We are what Christ has done for us; therefore, our ultimate identity is very simple: we are Christians.”

Jackie Hill Perry  |  Gay Girl, Good God  page 148