Alfred Lambremont Webre is running in the 2020 Presidential election! Alfred’s platform includes: Truth & Disclosure; New Energy; Teleportation & Time Travel; Recognition of Animals as sentient beings with rights; Secure Online Direct Democracy; Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health care, and comprehensive education for every person on the planet; World Debt Forgiveness; Disenfranchisement of the state power of monarchies and religions worldwide; Criminalization of the war industry; Criminal Prosecution and Conviction of War Crimes Racketeering Organization and Restorative Justice for War Crimes Victims; and more… Join us for this timely message!

Alfred 2020: Block 666 AntiChrist Donald John Trump from our White House. Vote for a Living Platform for a Renewed America and a New Earth.

Alfred Lambremont Webre for an Earth's Representative to Galactic Council & USA President