Previous Episode: Quality Show Ep 8
Next Episode: Quality Show Ep 10

Didn't get enough online abuse? Well #Notification will fill your quota. Bowser is hired by Nintendo, sorry but your Amiibos are in another castle. Microsoft announces a solitaire tournament, Finally a tournament you can play by yourself.


Didn't get enough online abuse? Well #Notification will fill your quota.

Bowser is hired by Nintendo, sorry but your Amiibos are in another castle.

Microsoft announces a solitaire tournament, Finally a tournament you can play by yourself.



Mega64 Konami Horror Video (1:12): Mega64 creates a comedic retelling of the Konami Silent Hills drama in the form of a P.T Demo.

Oculus Releases PC Specs (2:04): Want to know if your PC can run the upcoming Oculus Rift? Find out here.

Microsoft Solitaire Tournament (8:23): One of the most installed games ever is having its own tournament FINALLY.....said no one.

Online Abuse Simulator (10:30): Don't have enough Social Media abuse in your life? Play this game for more.

YouTuber Action Figures (13:33): YouTubers are getting more well known then some actors nowadays, having action figures is the next reasonable step right?

Scientists Say Co-Op Gaming Good (17:00): According to Texas Tech, playing games is good for socializing.

Polytechnic Game Jam (20:31): The first game jam held at Bahrain.

Bowser is New Nintendo Sales VP (23:00): THE WORLD IS DOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!



Dear Quality Show,

I have a problem, I am kinda pinned down by enemy fire here and I don’t know what to do. I mean do I use my 1 frag to create a distraction and run for it, or do I try and sticky’em and hope the one guys wanders into the rest of his pals. Please get back to me asap.




Crossout (25:26): A post-apocalyptic vehicular combat by the creators of War Thunder.

Dream Chaser (28:20): Run and Run and Run while doing goofy things as different characters.

Flame Over (29:57): SAVE THE PEOPLE, DOUSE THE FLAMES, Buy something from the shop, RUN FROM FLAMES!

Kursk (33:08): A Survival horror game based on a real life tragedy.

Yooka-Laylee (38:43): Spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie

Vortex Attack (45:40):  A bullet hell game with where you travel through a vortex of DEATH!

Blade & Soul (47:48): Popular Asian MMO coming to the West this Winter.

Expeditions Viking (51:02): Strategic RPG in the Viking Era. FOR ODIN!

Squad (51:55): Realistic FPS to compete with ARMA.


This week Oki has found....oh...oh god why.....OOOOH GOD. I claim no responsibility for bringing Love at First Sight to your attention.




This weeks current WCS Top 5 Standings are

Life-(Z) with 4525 points

her0-(P) with 4375 points

Maru-(T) with 4100 points

PartinG-(P) with 3975 points

Zest with-(P) 2475 points

IN DOTA 2 NEWS (1:00:40)

The Summit 3 Ended last weekend with Secret going up against EG. However the EG team just could not cut it this tournament as Secret beat them 3-1. Secret took home $115,000 and EG $61,000.

Meanwhile in the Dream League, the Main Event has been in progress, with Alliance managing to keep ahead with 8 points. However Empire is right behind them with 7 points, and Empire still has a match to play against Burden United, if they can do that they will tie up the score.

Next up, the i-League is in progress right now, with the Playoffs this weekend. Currently in the Upper Bracket, LGD and Vici Gaming are set to fight for a slot in the finals. While in the Lower Bracket we have Alliance vs MY and NewBee vs Invictus Gaming.

Lastly, the Dota Pit League Season 3 is in its Playoff stage and it has been an interesting tournament thus far. Virtus Pro is in the Upper Bracket, waiting for Secret and EG to finish their match. Meanwhile in the Lower Bracket we have NiP, Hellraisers, Cloud9, and mouz. Mouz and Cloud9 have met each other in the lower bracket however, so one of them will be knocked out of the tournament. The matches will continue on May 31st.

IN LOL NEWS (1:02:02)

Fantasy LCS Is now open for the Summer split, make sure you draft before May 28th when EU LCS begins.

LCK is in full swing with games 4 times a week, including an early start on Thursday Nights in NA for better viewing times.

Check out to check out all the team changes and starting times for the first matches.


This Friday-Sunday the Battle Arena Melbourne 7 will be taking place in Australia. The Prize Pool has not been announced but we do have some Notable Entrants. Such as Hugs, Skeletom, S.D, Alex19, Leffen, Lucy, S2J, Chillindude, Wife, and the famous Mango. You can watch the stream this Friday through Sunday on either or We will link the tournament schedule in our show notes.


This weeks updates for the HWC are

Australia & New Zealand: Ranked 1st Tomflr with 50 points

Europe: Ranked 1st Kolento with 135 points

Japan: Ranked 1st DoubleA with 40 points

Latin America: Ranked 1st Leomane with 60 points

North America: Ranked 1st SilentStorm with 150 points

Southeast Asia: Ranked 1st ShinyPants with 40 ponts

Taiwan: Ranked 1st SpiderRoger with 161 points

All the Qualifiers for the ESL Legendary series have concluded and the players confirmed. Playing on June 5th-7th will be Lifecoach, Kolento, Kabi, Reynad, Trump, Leadpaint, Roger, and Ostkaka.

IN CS:GO NEWS (1:05:23)

The GameShow League in the middle of their Playoff games. Currently TSM, Fnatic and ENCORE are still in the Upper Bracket, but Fnatic and ENCORE are scheduled to fight and one of them will be knocked down to the lower bracket. Speaking of which, currently EnVyUs and Virtus Pro are in the Lower Bracket.

Meanwhile in the GO Champions League, the round robin is close to finishing up. There are only a few more matches left and most of the points have already been assigned. So as it is we know who will be progressing past the round robin stage. That will be, by order of most points, Virtus Pro, Navi, Property, Dignitas, FlipSid3, and Gamers2.

Looking at what is happening with CEVO, we have the Divisional Qualifiers just starting out, with Virtus Pro and NiP leading the European Division with 16 and 12 points respectively. Gamers2 is a little behind them with 9 points. Over on the North American side. We have CLG and affNity leading with 13 and 12, but Luminosity is close behind with 11 points. The top 3 teams from each division will move on, but there are still a lot more matches to go, so someone could overtake these current leaders.

Turning to the ESL Pro League, they also are in the Divisional qualifiers, with Virtus Pro, Fnatic, and TSM all leading the European Division with 15 points. While CLG and Nilhilim lead the NA Division with 18 points, with KStars right behind them with 15 points. Top 4 advance to the next stage of the tournament but there is almost 50% more of the Division stage to go.

Now we look at the Counter Pit League which has just gotten started with their group stages. In Group A we have Virtus Pro, Dignitas, NiP, Navi, Gamers2, and FlipSid3. While in Group B we have TSM, EnVyUs, Titan, PENTA, Mouz, and Hellraisers.

While the Pit League has just started, the Fragbite Masters Tournament is just finishing up its group stages. Navi, TSM, LGB, EnVyUs, Fnatic, and Acer have all moved on. Group C just needs to finish up their final match for Group Stages to finish.


The World Cyber Arena Qualifiers for NA are almost finished, the last match, C9M vs Temp Storm, will be played May 31st and streamed on

Next up is the Esports Champions League 2015, which is in its Group Stages. In Group A, Edward gaming is leading with 9 points. In Group B, eStars and AgFox are tied for first with 6 points. There still about 5 matches that need to played before the Group Stages end.

Over at the ESL Major League, they're American and Europe Qualifiers have just ended. With that, teams C9M, Tempo Storm, 2ARC, C9V, Kinguin, Well Met, G2, and ASH have moved on to the next stage of the tournament.

Lastly the Alienware Enter the Nexus tournament has finished its 8th Qualifier with 4 more to go. Currently ASH, Team ATN, [POP], ESC, The True Team Fancy, Fnatic, Well Met, and Dignitas are the teams that have passed the previous Qualifiers and are heading to the Playoffs.