Previous Episode: Quality Show Ep 9
Next Episode: Quality Show Ep 11

Play a Nintendo game on your screen, we'll call it "Screentendo", Ultra Street Fighter 4 is really buggy on PS4, looks like they'll have to wait until the Super Ultra Ultimate Turbo Arcade Edition for the needed updates, Oculus Rift+PC to only cost $1,500. So if  you have a PC that costs more than that, look for your free Oculus.

Play a Nintendo game on your screen, we'll call it "Screentendo",

Ultra Street Fighter 4 is really buggy on PS4, looks like they'll have to wait until the Super Ultra Ultimate Turbo Arcade Edition for the needed updates,

Oculus Rift+PC to only cost $1,500. So if  you have a PC that costs more than that, look for your free Oculus.


Oculus Rift Price (1:10): The Oculus Rift is going to cooooost....something. Oh and Buddha wanted me to include this LINK

Screentendio (4:30): Neat proof of concept project.

Ultra Street Fighter IV Buggy (6:18): Sorry fighter fans, stay away from the PS4 version for a while.

Humble Indie Bundle (8:35): Nintendo contributes to a Humble Bundle.

Update Schedule Legend of Zelda Symphony (11:23): 5 New places they will be visiting.

Lizard Squad Strikes Against Women (13:45): Yay another hacker group. Could they just....not?

Rockstar Sues BBC (17:40): Guess the BBC should have asked permission before using Rockstars IP's.

White Wii U Stopped Production (19:40): Well at least in Japan. Who is still buying the white one?

Story Studio Creates VR Films (21:45): Sweet, soon I will be able to intervene in those embarrassing moments that hurt my soul.


Dear Quality Show,

I need assistance with this equation. Its solution is vital but it is surprisingly hard to compute while in the midst of a brawl in space. Solve this for me so I can free up processing power.



Catlateral Damage (26:00): Game where you play as a pissed off cat.

Home is Where One Starts (27:25): A little girl missed her bus so she decides to go explore the area. Seems reasonable.

Dirty Bomb (29:19): TF2 like shooter based in a bombed out and abandoned London.

Star Wars Battle Pod (32:28): A remake of the old Star Wars Arcade machine...but better.

Kholat (35:38): You are investigating the Dyatlov Pass Incident....and find something SPOOOOOKY

Extreme Exorcism (38:30): Speaking of spooky....oh god I am becoming Okininja, pixel platformer shooter coming onto the market where your ghosts chases you.

Magnetic Cage Closed (40:50): Portal like puzzle game, except with magnets.

Captain Heroes (43:00): Arcade like shooter with a interesting action twist.

This Book Is A Dungeon (44:50): Just like those old Choose your Own Adventure books but digital.

Splatoon (47:47): Squid kids with ink guns. Basically paintball where you WANT to cover the ground with paint.




This week Okininja has dreamed up a dozy of a game. This time you are defending a sleeping Snorlax thing so it doesn't wake up and wreck everything in Sleep Attack.




This weeks current WCS Top 5 Standings are

Life-(Z) with 4525 points

Maru-(T) with 4400 points (MOVED PAST her0)

her0-(P) with 4375 points

PartinG-(P) with 3975 points

Zest with-(P) 2475 points

GSL Code S Season 2 just had Group A finish up their Matchs with some surprising results. MyuNgSiK and Maru fended off Bomber and Life to move on in the tournament. There were some great matches that night.

Group B, which will be INnoVation, Rain, sOs, and Bbyong, will be held Friday.

IN DOTA 2 NEWS (57:05)

The Esportal Winter Tournament has just finished their Qualifiers for the Playoffs. The team who will compete in the Playoffs are Hellraisers, Empire, mYinsanity, ASUS.Polar, NiP, 4clovers, 4 anchors, and the winner of Tuesday's qualifiers, Vega. The Playoffs are being scheduled right now, but we will get back to you when they have been announced.

The Playoffs for the DOTA 2 Pit League are in progress. In the Upper bracket, Secret and EG will be facing off on this Sunday at 12:30pm PST on The winner will go on to face Virtus Pro.

In the Lower Bracket, Cloud9 will be facing off against Mouz this Sunday at 9am PST to see who will move on to face Hellraisers. Also in the Lower Bracket is NiP, who is waiting to fight the loser of the Secret-EG Match.

The i-League Tournament concluded last weekend with Vici Gaming,the crowds favorite, losing $213,000 to their opponent, LGD, 3-0.

IN LOL NEWS (59:35)

Ekko was released as of today’s podcast

Korea seems pretty even so far, CJ and JIN AIR leading the Korean pack with the only 2-0’s

EULCS started today, NA Division will start Saturday 



This weeks updates for the HWC are

Australia & New Zealand: Ranked 1st Tomflr with 50 points

Europe: Ranked 1st Kolento with 135 points

Japan: Ranked 1st DoubleA with 40 points

Latin America: Ranked 1st Leomane with 60 points

North America: Ranked 1st SilentStorm with 150 points

Southeast Asia: Ranked 1st ShinyPants with 40 ponts

Taiwan: Ranked 1st SpiderRoger with 161 points

the ESL Legendary series just finished its Last Chance Open Qualifiers and added the last 8 competitors to the tournament. SilentStorm, Kitkatz, Demigod, Domdus, Koyuki, WWlos, PHONETAP, and RealTerror will be competing in the finals on June 5th. The finals will be streamed on

Starting tomorrow, the ViaGame House Cup Group Stages will be under way and streamed onto The players have been separated into groups the following way. IN Group A we have, Roger, ThijsNL, Crane333, and Rdu. In Group B we have Firebat, Lifecoach, Kalaxz, and Handsomeguy. In Group C We have Hoej, Orange, Immortal, and StanCifka. Finally, in Group D we have StrifeCro, Amaz, REWIND, and Froggy.

First place in the entire tournament will net one of these players $10,000 and 100 HWC points, which is enough for most of these players to get ahead of their current Division leaders.

Lastly, the Heathstone Masters Korea Tournament has been underway. Half of the first round of 16 has been played with Seulsiho, MairacleHS, DawN, and Surrender moving on. Starting June 1st and through the 2nd, there will be four more matches to see who will move on.

There will be JJUN vs RenieHouR, Janggon vs Cojingi, CocoaHS vs Esperanza, and Taesang vs Palmblad. All matches will be streamed on, we will include a LINK in shownotes for those of you who are interested.

IN CS:GO NEWS (1:03:50)

The Fragbite Masters Tournament has been underway for a short time now. In the Upper Bracket TSM and Navi are slated to fight it out for a place in the finals. Meanwhile, in the Lower Bracket, Acer is set to fight EnVyUs Tomorrow (Friday). Whoever wins this will move on to fight fnatic who fell into the Lower Bracket today. Hellraisers will be fighting whoever comes out of THAT match in order to move on to the finals. All matched will be streamed onto

The Counter Pit League has just started its Group Stages. Virtus Pro in Group A and TSM in Group B took a few points early in the stages, but there are a lot of matches left to go. All Matches are being streamed onto, and the next match will be held at 1pm PST this Friday, Envyus vs PENTA.

Meanwhile the ESL Pro League has been working through its Division Elimination stage. Currently in the Euro Division, NiP is in the lead with 24 points and Virtus Pro, Fnatic, and TSM are right behind him with 21 points.

Then in the NA Division we have Cloud9 leading with 27 points, with Nilhilum close behind with 21 points, and quite a few teams nipping at Nilhilums heels with 18 points.

We have an update of team standings in the CEVO Division Stage. In the Euro Division Virtus Pro has 19 points, NiP has 16 points, and Hellraisers has 10 points. The rest of the Division is close behind Hellraisers by a point or two.

In the NA Division we have CLG leading the pack with 16 points, Luminosity with 14 points, and affnity with 13 points. Those teams had better watch their backs though, because the 3 teams right behind them with 11 points are Cloud9, Tempo, and Nilhilum.

In the Go Champions League, the Group stages have finished and 6 teams are heading off to the Playoffs. Those teams are, Virtus Pro, Navi, Hellraisers, Flipsid3, Property, and Gamers2.


The Alienware Enter the Storm cup has finished its 8th qualifier round out of 12. The winner was Dignitas, who beat Nihilum 2-1.

The Esports Champion League 2015: Spring is in its group stages. There are still a few more matches to be played but in Group A, Edward Gaming and X Team are holding a secure lead with 12 and 6 points. Meanwhile in Group B, EStar and AgFox are tied up with 9 points each, however the last match is one between the 2 teams so one will definitely get ahead.

We are not sure how many teams are being taken from the Group Stages thus far, so the match between eStar and Agfox could be vitally important for the teams to stay in the tournament.

Lastly, This Saturday starting at 3pm PST, Cloud9 and Tempo will be duking it out to see which one of them will be moving on in the World Cyber Arena 2015.