David Bell is an inspiration to us all. As a former teacher and headteacher for over 18 years, fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and now founder of a new tutoring business, David has seen it all in education.

MyTutorElite (part of the wider David Bell Educational group), a primary tuition and exam prep business, is the product of this experience and expertise. 

In a conversation packed full of honest insight and experience, David takes us from his early days as a student who struggled in the arts and sports, to his unwavering focus on mental health in education, to his transition to entrepreneurial tutoring company owner (and all that comes with it).

In between, he finds time to give 3 key pieces of advice for those who have left, or are thinking of leaving, the classroom - catch that from [19:23] onwards.

Next steps:

Check out David and his business at mytutorelite.co.ukConnect with and reach out to David on LinkedIn or at [email protected] The Qualified Tutor Podcast Group in the Qualified Tutor Community and meet fellow listeners like you!️⭐️ Enjoy the podcast? Give us a 5-star review!Visit speakpipe.com/QualifiedTutorPodcast to have your voice heard by posing your thoughts and questions to David

Qualified Tutor is a tutor-training organisation, with a suite of high-quality, industry-first programmes. The Level 3 Qualification for Tutors (qualifiedtutor.org/training/level-3-qualification-for-tutors/) consists of 8 weeks of online learning, interactive live sessions with peers and expert facilitation at every step of the way, and will set you apart in a crowded space.

Our CPD-Accredited Tutor Training (qualifiedtutor.org/cpd-accredited-tutor-training/) is a 4-week course in teaching and learning, and comes with a Certificate of Completion and a teaching qualification that many tutors will never have had the chance to obtain. Be the first to take the next step in tutoring.

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