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Python Entwicklungsumgebung 2020 Edition (click here to comment) 4. Februar 2020, Dominik Heute haben wir uns bei Dominik zusammengesetzt, um mal über unsere Python Entwicklungsumgebungen zu sprechen. Die groben Themen waren dabei unter anderem:




Unsere E-Mail für Fragen, Anregungen & Kommentare: [email protected]

News aus der Szene

Python 2 end of life
Setuptools dropping support for Python 2
Euro Python 2020
2020 djangocon porto
Python barcamp Köln


PowerShell Bash Z shell Fishshell
Terminals for windows: cmder best combined with ConEmu and alternatively hyperjs
iTerm2 Terminal for macOS shell integration
WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux
dotbot dotfile handling
Chocolatey (Windows Package Manager)
Homebrew (The Missing Package Manager for macOS)
My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition
Dominiks unfinished 'work always in progress' dotfiles-den for windows
virtualenvwrapper classical virtual environments
virtualenvwrapper for windows powershell
pyenv simple Python version management
miniconda conda virtual environments
Poetry python packaging and dependency management made easy
pipenv - Python Dev Workflow for Humans
cmd - Support for line-oriented command interpreters
pep-0518 pyproject.toml etc
vim Lieblingseditor + list of awesome vim plugins
Visual Studio Code Code editing Redefined, live share
pyforest - feel the bliss of automated imports
emacs - an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor
PyCharm The Python IDE for Professional Developers
flake8 Your Tool For Style Guide Enforcement
Black the uncompromising Python code formatter
Pylama Code audit tool for Python and JavaScript
mypy Optional type checker
Radon Various code metrics for Python code
graphviz graph visualization software
fzf fuzzy search on stdin
fd find reimplementation
bat cat reimplementation
ripgrep grep implementation
oh-my-fish package manager for fish ohmyzsh
tmux terminal multiplexer
mosh mobile shell


pprint pretty printing
Typer is FastAPI's little sibling. And it's intended to be the FastAPI of CLIs.

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