In this episode Run Coaches Lisa Tamati and Neil Wagstaff look at the structure of a good run training system. 

The many elements of a holistic program - run sessions, skills and drills, mobility and flexibility work, strength work, sleep and recovery, nutrition and supplementation and mindset.

They look at the benefits of video analysis and when to build in technique and drill work and when and how to build in strength training that is specific to running.

How mobilty work plays a part and the role of your hormones and rest and recovery and much more.


We would like to thank our sponsors

Running Hot - By Lisa Tamati & Neil Wagstaff

If you want to run faster, longer and be stronger without burnout and injuries then check out and TRY our Running Club for FREE on a 7 day FREE TRIAL Complete holistic running programmes for distances from 5km to ultramarathon and for beginners to advanced runners.
All include Run training sessions, mobility workouts daily, strength workouts specific for runners, nutrition guidance and mindset help Plus injury prevention series, foundational plans, running drill series and a huge library of videos, articles, podcasts, clean eating recipes and more. and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel at Lisa's Youtube channel and come visit us on our facebook group

You can find all our programs, courses, live seminars and more at 

We are also holding another live event on the 31st of August- 1st of September in Havelock North, New Zealand - Its a weekend running seminar 

Join us for a weekend of fun, inspiration and education around everything Running

Do you want to run with less pain and injuries, avoid burnout and over training?
Do you want to have a better running technique?
Want to improve your times?
Want to learn how to maximise your training time and train efficiently while getting optimal results?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then this weekend is for you!
Suitable for absolute beginners just starting out on their journey through to elite ultramarathon runners looking to improve their 100 mile times.

So come and meet some great like minded people and hang out with the Running Hot Coaching team and completely change the trajectory of your running career.


What's included
Saturday 31st of August (9am-4pm + Dinner)

Run video analysis and review

Drills and skills for runners

Core and strength training for runners

Flexibility and mobility for runners

Nutrition for runners

Mindset training

Dinner and tales from the trails with Lisa Tamati and Neil Wagstaff (Meal and entertainment included in the package price, drinks extra)

Sunday 1st of September (9am-12:30pm)

Putting it all together into a programme that works for you

2 hours walk/hike/run on Te Mata Peak (suitable for all abilities)

Find out more and register here:

The information contained in this show is not medical advice it is for educational purposes only and the opinions of guests are not the views of the show. Please seed your own medical advice from a registered medical professional.