Today, I’ve got a special treat for you! We’ve invited Tiffany, a brand new agent from Ridgewood who just got her license a couple of weeks ago. Remember how nerve-wracking it was to step into the real estate world for the first time? Not knowing how to start your day, tackle your database, or answer tough questions? We’ve all been there!

To help Tiffany (and all you other new agents out there), I asked some seasoned pros for their top piece of advice or a word of encouragement. Here’s what they had to say:

💡 Betty: Make connections! Get to know people in your office, attend meetings, and be present. Don’t go it alone.

📞 Scott: Always make the second call! If they hang up or don’t answer, call them back. Persistence pays off.

👥 TOA: Find a mentor. Copy what successful agents are doing, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

📈 Mr. Gosset: Use your CRM to its fullest. Input your contacts, set tasks, and let it guide you.

🔖 Ira: Wear a name tag everywhere! It’s a great conversation starter and can lead to unexpected opportunities.

We’ve got more awesome tips in the video, so be sure to watch till the end! And if you’re a new agent or have any questions, drop them in the comments below. We’re here to help each other succeed!