Hey there, podcast fam! After a 2-year break and I am so excited to be back. After my last podcast episode with you in July of 2018, I really wasn't sure that this day would ever come.

But so much has changed since then; I took a 6-month sabbatical from my business and social media, I recovered from burnout, I discovered truths about myself and how I was showing up for my life that allowed me to work through and heal old limiting beliefs.

And now I want to know....have you ever asked yourself what it would look like to live a Limitless Life? What that would even mean for you, and what would need to change for it to be possible?

I learned that I had been collecting all of my self-worth from achievements and applause- from what I was doing instead of who I was being… and this changed my life dramatically.

I went from wanting to walk away from my business entirely to showing back up for it in a whole new way I never dreamed possible, which now leads me here- with you.

In this episode, I’m sharing my story of getting to a place where I wanted to walk away from it all, to a place where I realized I had so much more to give (just in an entirely different way than I’d imagined).

This new iteration of my podcast, the Limitless Life Podcast, is all about teaching you that the only limits standing in your way are the ones you’ve placed on yourself, and it’s about helping you break through them to live the life you were always worthy of.

So, welcome back. I’m so happy you’re here… I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you.