What’s up Limitless Life™ family! Today’s guest is Susie Moore, a digital course creator, publicity genius, and author of the recent book, Stop Checking Your Likes: Shake off the need for approval and live an incredible life. Susie’s work has been featured in places like the Today show, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, and heaps of other outlets. And most importantly (to me, anyway): she’s one of my dearest and closest friends.

I met Susie years ago when one of our mutual friends introduced us through a text, saying that we needed to meet because we’d get along swimmingly. Susie lived in New York at the time, so when I was in town, we made plans to meet up for the first time in person, and when we did, we proceeded to chat for 4 hours straight. Our friend was right -- hit it off, we did. Since then, Susie has grown into one of my most cherished friends. She’s able to effortlessly combine wisdom and irreverence, which usually means that when we hang out, we have lots of deep conversations that are peppered with constant fits of laughter. The way it should be, ya know?

In this interview, we’re digging into a lot of the concepts Susie discusses in her new book, like how to really trust your inner guidance, what it looks like to stop seeking approval from everyone but yourself, and the secret ingredient for living a powerful and joyful life. Snuggle up, because this conversation will feel like you’re chatting with a girlfriend, all while challenging you to become the most limitless version of yourself. Let’s dive in!