Welcome to the Pursuing Private Practice Podcast!

Join Jennifer and fellow CEO Kelly McKenna of Sit WIth Kelly as they discuss career transitions prompted by the pandemic, leveraging social media and online presence to grow her practice and the evolution of business offers.

Join the conversation as they discuss:

Building a Presence on Social Media: Building a social media following takes time and consistency. Repurposing existing content saves you time and helps you maintain a consistent online presence. Outsourcing and Support: Identify the areas where support is needed and see where you can outsource to reduce your workload. Support is key! Business Evolution: Business owners can evolve their strategies as their life circumstances change. Being open to adaptability and change is so important to your sustainability and success

Remember, prioritize consistency, consider outsourcing for support, and remain adaptable as your business evolves!

Kelly McKenna is a licensed therapist and business coach for therapists. Kelly built her private practice totally on Instagram @sitwithkelly. By providing educational and relatable content and Reels about anxiety, she's been able to help millions of anxious women. Kelly also coaches other therapists, helping them to market effectively on Instagram and grow thriving private practices @businessoftherapy.

Connect with Kelly on Instagram: Sit With Kelly & Business of Therapy 

Connect with Pursuing Private Practice on Instagram.

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