Clara is someone who is making such a big difference in the world through her positive message of body liberation. She is unapologetically herself as she stands up for what she believes in. I’m honored to talk with her today about her work as a dietitian and activist, and how her mission is helping to truly make this world a better place.

This episode is unique in that we made a mistake in the first recording of the episode, and rather than editing it out we decided to leave it in and model how we are still continuing to grow and evolve ourselves. Activism work is messy, and we aren’t always going to get it right. You will hear the episode wrap up like it is done, and then we will come back on one more time to identify our mistake and have a short conversation around it.

Some of the topics discussed include:

How cultural and personal beliefs affect our health perspective The need for “unlearning” what has been assumed to be true, and learning what real health and nutrition can look like for people from various backgrounds Recognizing the difference between good intention and actual impact on others How making mistakes is an opportunity to learn and grow

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