Welcome to the Pursuing Private Practice podcast!

Join Jennifer & Jeannie Petrucci, CEO of LivingPlateRx, to hear all about Jeannie’s journey starting her private practice, pivoting her business, and the support that helped her get to where she is today. 

Join the conversation as they discuss:

Trying New Things: Pivoting your business and trying something new can be scary, but don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Failure is just an opportunity to pivot and learn. Leaning on Support: The journey of developing your business is tough to do alone. Find a strong support system to help you navigate the challenges and celebrate the successes. Prioritizing Mental Health: Building a business can be isolating, and entrepreneurship can most definitely take a toll on mental health. Remember to find what self-care works for you, and continue to prioritize it. Intellectual Property & Assets: Intellectual property is valuable in your business, and it’s the foundation for scaling your business in a sustainable way. 

The journey of building a business is filled with challenges, but with the right mindset and support, it’s possible to create a business that serves YOU. We hope this inspires you to keep learning, growing, and expanding your business to take up space. 

Connect with Pursuing Private Practice on Instagram.

We invite you to check out a free resource Your Scalable Offer.  Sign up to receive this lesson from our program EXPAND to help you outline the criteria of a scalable offer, the pros and cons of different types of offers, and help you design YOUR successful scalable offer to take your business to the next level. Are you ready to transform your business and receive more time, money, and energy? Join us for this game-changing lesson! Download it here.


Jeanne Petrucci, MS, RDN, is the CEO and Founder of Living Plate Rx. She is a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Science degree in Nutrition Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She has participated in research with gold-standard institutions exploring the impact of evidence-based culinary nutrition education programs and tools on human nutrition-related health behaviors.

She is a busy mom of four and grandmother of 3 who has been exactly where many of you are - struggling to create all the content you need to serve your clients and grow your practice while still having energy for everyone else. Jeanne brings her experience as a private cooking instructor for more than 25 years to her second career as a dietitian content creator. She founded Living Plate Rx 5 years ago, building a meal planning platform and content library to support practitioners with all the resources they need to grow their practices without burning out.

Today’s Dietitian, the nation's leading media company for dietitians, recently acquired minority ownership in Living Plate Rx. 

Check out these resources to learn more about Living Plate Rx:

Your Ultimate Guide to Creating SOPs in Your Practice Free Workshop: Elevate Your Practice: Create a Year of Content to Attract, Serve, and Retain Your Ideal Clients