Welcome to the Pursuing Private Practice Podcast!

Join Jennifer & fellow CEO Yvette Quantz of Customized Nutrition Newsletters as they discuss how email marketing is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with your audience, nurture relationships, and drive conversions. Unlike social media, where your message can easily get lost in the noise, email allows you to go deeper and engage with your subscribers on a more personal level. Here are some reasons why email marketing is essential:

Deeper Engagement: Email allows you to provide more in-depth content and build a stronger connection with your audience. Segmentation: With email, you can send targeted messages to different segments of your email list based on their interests and needs. Funnel Creation: You can create specific funnels to guide your subscribers through their customer journey and provide them with the right content at the right time. Ownership: Your email list is an asset that you own. Unlike social media followers, you have full control over your email list and can transfer it to different platforms if needed.

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can transform your business. This episode will show you how to add value and connect with your audience through email!  

Yvette Perrier Quantz, RDN, LDN, is a passionate dietitian and creative nutrition entrepreneur who’s been blazing her path in the nutrition and wellness industry since 2003. Since 2008, she has owned and operated a private nutrition practice, Food Therapy, offering clients a holistic approach to nutrition as the foundation of radiant health and meaningful contribution. Through Customized Nutrition Newsletters and Foodspiration® line, Yvette creates educational and inspirational resources for other health and wellness professionals to connect, educate, and inspire their clients and community. A prolific blogger on nutrition, health, and elevated living, she is also the author of: The Little Black Book of Foodspirations®, and Prayers and Petitions for My Cancer Warrior.

Connect with Yvette on Instagram


This episode of the Pursuing Private Practice is sponsored by Business School. Join our comprehensive online program to help you set up your business, start to see your first few clients, and grow!

Business School includes our educational platform, weekly connection calls with our team and other members, and a Facebook Group for accountability. This video shows you even more of what's included in our platform. 

Customized business education for starting and growing your business Guides + templates + action steps to make your life easier Workbooks to support your business planning An exclusive online community to celebrate with you, vent with you, and cheer you on

We'd be honored to help you take up space as you start and grow your business. I'm so proud we have a reputation for a reason!

Join now before the next cohort begins! 


Welcome to the Pursuing Private Practice Podcast!

Join Jennifer & fellow CEO Yvette Quantz of Customized Nutrition Newsletters as they discuss how email marketing is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with your audience, nurture relationships, and drive conversions. Unlike social media, where your message can easily get lost in the noise, email allows you to go deeper and engage with your subscribers on a more personal level. Here are some reasons why email marketing is essential:

Deeper Engagement: Email allows you to provide more in-depth content and build a stronger connection with your audience. Segmentation: With email, you can send targeted messages to different segments of your email list based on their interests and needs. Funnel Creation: You can create specific funnels to guide your subscribers through their customer journey and provide them with the right content at the right time. Ownership: Your email list is an asset that you own. Unlike social media followers, you have full control over your email list and can transfer it to different platforms if needed.

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can transform your business. This episode will show you how to add value and connect with your audience through email!  

Yvette Perrier Quantz, RDN, LDN, is a passionate dietitian and creative nutrition entrepreneur who’s been blazing her path in the nutrition and wellness industry since 2003. Since 2008, she has owned and operated a private nutrition practice, Food Therapy, offering clients a holistic approach to nutrition as the foundation of radiant health and meaningful contribution. Through Customized Nutrition Newsletters and Foodspiration® line, Yvette creates educational and inspirational resources for other health and wellness professionals to connect, educate, and inspire their clients and community. A prolific blogger on nutrition, health, and elevated living, she is also the author of: The Little Black Book of Foodspirations®, and Prayers and Petitions for My Cancer Warrior.

Connect with Yvette on Instagram


This episode of the Pursuing Private Practice is sponsored by Business School. Join our comprehensive online program to help you set up your business, start to see your first few clients, and grow!

Business School includes our educational platform, weekly connection calls with our team and other members, and a Facebook Group for accountability. This video shows you even more of what's included in our platform. 

Customized business education for starting and growing your business Guides + templates + action steps to make your life easier Workbooks to support your business planning An exclusive online community to celebrate with you, vent with you, and cheer you on

We'd be honored to help you take up space as you start and grow your business. I'm so proud we have a reputation for a reason!

Join now before the next cohort begins!