I was nervous to record this episode of the podcast for you, and I’m never nervous to record podcasts.

I want to talk about money.

Specifically why I charge the prices I charge in my business. 

I wouldn’t say I’ve been avoiding talking about this topic, but I haven’t purposefully come out and stated my feelings about money in business yet. Lately it feels like I’ve been having this conversation more and more with the dietitians in Dietitian Business School, so that is prompting me to come on here and say: If you are a dietitian who wants to dive into the topic of money and how to charge for your work, you are welcome to join Dietitian Business School and have that conversation with us.

So let’s talk about it. I want to talk about this in a positive light and take away some of the shame that some of us feel around money and what to charge in our businesses. And as always, I want to hear your thoughts on this!

Some of the topics discussed include:

Financial privilege Investing and where to put your money Shame around money Making money as an act of self care

For more information, visit https://www.pursuingprivatepractice.com/58


I created Pursuing Private Practice: Dietitian Business School to support dietitians in building a business that makes a lasting impact on their clients’ lives.

Dietitian Business School is the Go-To Resource for like-minded dietitians who want to build a private practice and expand their business. We’ve combined the best of business coaching + supervision + self-care + accountability + community all in one. Learn more here!