In this episode, Taylor Wolfram, MS, RDN, LDN, takes us through the launch of her new online course, The Anti-Diet Vegan Nutrition Course. Not only will you get to hear a behind-the-scenes take on the actual course launch, but you will also get to hear her honest story of experiencing burnout, things she wishes she had done differently, and her plans for launching again in the future. 

I love talking about online courses on this podcast, because the marketing plan for a course is pretty different from the marketing plan for a private practice. Thank you so much for this peek behind the scenes, Taylor!

Some of the topics discussed include:

Taylor’s motivation for creating her online course The work that goes in behind the scenes before a course launch The technology behind an online course What Taylor would do differently during her next launch

For more information, visit

Dietitian Business School is a membership for dietitians that’re growing a private practice and beyond! There’s a collective energy among this group of dietitians rebelling against the dietitian “norm” to build a business and make money with a weight-inclusive approach to health. We do it differently, we’ll show you how!