Julie Duffy Dillion, has a weight inclusive dietitian practice and discusses her journey as a dietitian and how she jumped into opening her own private practice and how her practice evolved over the years. She shares the importance of knowing what's best for your own private practice and why you need to learn to say no. Saying "no" is crucial to growing your practice. You need to be able to say "yes" to the things that matter, versus spending time doing all the "shoulds" in private practice.

This episode is sponsored by a resource for dietitians, The Top 10 Mistakes Professionals Make In Private Practice. Gain insight and information about building a private practice and save time, money, and energy on common mistakes that you may be doing already! Download this FREE resource on the Top 10 Mistakes Professionals Make in Private Practice and learn what NOT to do so you can do the things that really matter and make a difference. www.pursuingprivatepractice.com/mistakes

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