This week’s episode topic was requested by a listener! I always assume that if someone takes the time to email me about a topic, many more of you are wondering the same thing, so I am so excited to bring you today’s episode about pivoting in your business.

Business owners usually pivot (change direction) for one of two reasons: they either want to better serve their customers and clients, or they want to better serve themselves! 

Maybe you are newly passionate about something and want to add an offer, but are worried you might confuse your audience. Or maybe you aren’t excited about your current offer any more and want to move away from it, but you don’t want to disappoint anyone. You are allowed to change your mind! People change as they gain experience, and that’s a good thing! You should never feel “stuck” in your own business.

Some of the topics discussed include:

Common changes people make to their business Why someone would pivot their business How to make the process of pivoting your own business as smooth as possible

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