This episode is about a topic that is near and dear to my heart: marketing yourself as an anti-diet intuitive eating dietitian. I really hope this message impacts you and helps you move forward in your business!

Sometimes it seems like everyone out there is an anti-diet intuitive eating dietitian with a virtual practice, right?! So many of us have moved our practice to a virtual model, and we’re all teaching the same type of content and offering the same type of services to our clients.

This is why it is so important as a dietitian that you infuse your personality and put your own spin on your messaging and your offers. There are going to be people who truly resonate with  YOU, and those are your ideal clients. There are also going to be people who do not resonate with you, and that’s great too! They aren’t your ideal client. Trust me, there are more than enough clients to go around!

When you have a message and a mission that is out there to the world that really attracts your ideal person, it is so much better for the health and longevity of your business! Now is the perfect time to work on this. What can you do right now to attract the people that are perfect for you?

Some of the topics discussed include:

You are your own business, and you see things through your own eyes Specializing within a sub-niche (a niche within a niche!) Pivoting to be helpful now The power of community in marketing

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