Shifting your mindset and approaching your work differently can have a big impact on your success. Hear insights about:

How Sarah found her way to real estate after leaving her role as a stay-at-home mom, and why the flexibility of real estate was idea for Sarah Why Sarah realized that shifting your mindset can have a big impact on your success, and why adding work-life separation was an important and life-changing shift Why working with the right coach made a huge difference in Sarah’s work and life, and why hiring an assistant was transformational for her work What work Sarah’s assistant has taken over, and how the free time allows Sarah to work on her business rather than just in it How Sarah reviews her business to determine what’s working and what isn’t, and why maintaining the right focus has been a key to her success Why Sarah tackles her social media strategy with intentionality, and how she has carved out a niche in her market with her social media How Sarah evaluates where to best put her attention and focus in her business to maximize her impact and happiness Why staying committed to her goals and following “standard over emotion” are big parts of Sarah’s plans for her business going forward Shifting Your Mindset in Real Estate

When you’re just starting out as a real estate agent, it can be easy to fall into the trap of always having to “do more, work harder, keep longer hours”. But then you start to see some success, and you get entrenched into that mindset out of fear of failure or of disappointing others. Suddenly, work/life balance is gone completely and you’re running yourself ragged!

However, it doesn’t have to be this way! By shifting your mindset, approaching your work differently, and adding the right systems and resources, you can free up time to work on your business, spend more time with your family, and carve out some precious “me time” for yourself.

This week’s guest is Sarah Allen, a successful Arizona-based Realtor who has only been in the business since 2017 and who has carved out a successful niche for herself in her market. Sarah left her career as a stay-at-home mom and entered real estate because she was attracted by the flexibility, but she quickly fell into the trap of working more and more to keep up with things.

However, this wasn’t sustainable and Sarah decided to make some big shifts. She put boundaries in place to avoid her work life bleeding into her personal time, she hired an assistant and began offloading some of the day-to-day work… and it made a huge difference to her happiness and her success!

Shifting Your Mindset and Seeing Your Work in a New Light

It can be so easy to burn yourself out, and that’s why it’s important to recognize the fear that is the root of your instinct to grind harder. When you’re first starting out, the fear comes from not knowing what you’re capable of or whether you’ve made the right career decision. Then the fear comes from worrying about disappointing the people you serve or losing the momentum you’ve built in your business. However, so often those fears are unfounded and only hold you back from finding the right balance between work time and personal time.

Sarah was afraid of hiring an assistant; she was afraid that the person she hired wouldn’t do the job as well as she could do it herself. However, a nudge from Sarah’s coach was all it took to take the plunge, and after a few months of getting everything synced up, Sarah’s assistant has become a powerful asset that allows Sarah to work on the business instead of getting bogged down in the busy-ness.

Finding a Balance

So much of your success comes from how you see your work. If it’s just a necessary grind that takes up too much of your precious time, that can drain you of energy and motivation. But if you work to streamline your tasks and make the most of your time, instead your work can motivate and energize you!

By putting the right systems, processes and people in place, you can do more of the work that truly makes a difference and moves the needle for your business. As Sarah learned, a great assistant can make a world of difference by taking over some of the energy-draining tasks you would otherwise have to do yourself!

If you’d like to learn more about the incredible Sarah Allen, you can find her on Instagram or visit her website at And as always, check out for other great podcast episodes and interviews with industry professionals!

About Sarah Allen, in her own words:

“As a licensed Arizona Realtor, my goal is to make every interaction a positive experience by servicing my clients to the best of my ability.

I love living in Prescott with my husband, and our feisty 6-year-old girl, and sweet 3-year-old boy; they push us to our limits both professionally and emotionally. I enjoy the outdoors, biking, and exploring this great area, but most importantly, I love the small town vibe Prescott offers.

Our town is nicknamed everybody’s hometown, and that’s the #1 reason for why I love living here. Prescott brings a sense of community to every resident, and the wonderful people that make up our small town truly believe in building quality relationships that last.

My background is rooted in sports; I developed a love for golf at a young age, and my first career choice was playing professionally. Although I was good enough to play collegiately on a full-ride scholarship, my passion for ‘playing’ turned into a passion for ‘coaching.’ Shortly after graduating from Arizona State University with a BA in Business Communications at the W.P. Carey School of Business, I turned to coaching the Boys Golf Team at Estrella Foothills High School – my alma mater – while also working every job in the golf industry. This continued until my husband and I became parents to our wonderful daughter, Autumn.

Transitioning to a stay-at-home Mom was the driving force for me to become a Realtor. It gave me the sense of accomplishment I desired, and continues to help shape the life I wanted for myself, and my family.”

How to Connect With Sarah Allen: Website: LinkedIn: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Balanced Growth Course: Website: Additional Resources: Set for Success Planner Time Tracker 5-Step Guide to More Referrals