What should a good relationship be like? My simple tells in a complex world ...

My favourite book about relationships between women. 


Quote used:

"If I accept the fact that my relationships are here to make me conscious instead of happy, then my relationships become a wonderful self-mastery tool that keeps realigning me with my higher purpose. " 
Pretty sure this is from A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle.

My teen book:

Conscious relationship Article:


Mary Haskell - principle of a school in Boston 

When the mist overwhelms the “I” in me, I take two or three letters out of the little box and reread them. They remind me of my true self. They make me overlook all that is not high and beautiful in life. Each and every one of us, dear Mary, must have a resting place somewhere. The resting place of my soul is a beautiful grove where my knowledge of you lives.


May Elias Ziadeh was a Lebanese-Palestinian poet,

"If you happen to like anything in it, then your approval will turn it into a graceful reality, if not, then it will revert in its entirety to mist"
