Many triathletes tend to be busy people with very full lives, making participation in the sport a jigsaw of time management, physical challenges, and mental stresses.

With the combination of three sports into one, training is not an easy puzzle to create, especially when considering the additional components such as sleep, nutrition, fueling, equipment choices, and environmental stresses (heat, altitude, etc).

With all this, it is no wonder that athletes often turn their back on strength and conditioning (S+C) as a component of their approach to performance. Unfortunately, this is a huge mistake.

Fortunately, an effective S+C program should not need to consume many of your valuable training hours. Still, in order to commit to a year-round program, you must understand the value of creating a consistent routine. 

In today's episode, Matt Dixon goes through real-life case studies of Purple Patch athletes who are challenged with integrating a strength and conditioning into their routine.  

Matt discusses four areas for each: 

Profile - Who are these athletes? What does their life and work look like?  Challenges and Needs Relative to their Profile Implementation - How did they go about creating a strength and conditioning routine? Outcome - What were the results of doing so?

In order to become a complete and well-rounded athlete, you must shift your perspective on functional strength towards one of performance enhancement. 

To learn more about how Purple Patch integrates functional strength into our coaching, visit our coaching page and schedule a call with a coach.