As the importance of recovery has increased and the knowledge and benefits surrounding this topic have grown more popular, it has opened the door to a fleet of pseudoscience and heavy marketing that only leads to confusion and dilution of the message around recovery.

Today's podcast takes on two real case studies of Purple Patch athletes who have been challenged with integrating a recovery mindset into their busy routines. With each, Matt Dixon illustrates that, in order to integrate recovery in a time-sensitive way and pragmatic way, you don’t have to buy toys or take potions and lotions. You don't have to be fooled by quick-fixes and snake oil salesmen. There is no magical monitoring device. No - recovery is a mindset that must be developed and integrated into your life.

We, as time-starved fitness enthusiasts, may not be able to absorb as much physical training stress as a pro, but we definitely manage a large amount of stress in our daily lives. 

For this reason, recovery within a time-starved life is a critical backbone to your performance evolution and cannot be an afterthought.  You simply have to get it right if you’re not only going to improve in sport, but also thrive in health, work performance, and ultimately be the best version of yourself that you can be for your family and friends. 

The valuable lesson in this episode? You cannot buy recovery. Your habits and mindset create the power of recovery. It takes courage to recover and the willingness to evolve.

Recovery is your route to maximize your return on your training investment. 


See Matt Live in San Francisco on February 24th

Details on the Christie Aschwanden/Matt Dixon in-store appearance and discussion of the new book, " Good to Go: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn from the Strange Science of Recovery"