The self development market is a great start to open your mind up to possibilities. If you've been studying it for a while, you'll know it starts to be the same thing just refurbished in a different way, told a different way. What is sold is to make you feel good for a while and then you come back down and search for a new book. The reality is what you struggle with will ALWAYS be with you. What YOU have to learn is how to build your muscle to break through that struggle every day. It's not sexy, it doesn't sell well, but it's the truth. I struggle with never wanting to do a damn thing, but planning things out the night before I'm real motivated to do. It's like this EVERY DAY. How you overcome this to get up and do the things anyways is building your muscle slowly overtime. Do one task a week until you can move to two, then three and so on. That's the reality of things.