As a certified Life Transformation Coach,
International Wellness Consultant & Yoga Facilitator, Speaker, and
Author, Sharni brings a wealth of expertise to help you unplug from the
daily hustle and rediscover your life's true direction.
She's been in the Wellness and Coaching Industry for 16+ years and has
also burnt out. Twice. So, she knows what it feels like to be at rock
bottom and, by using a combination of ancient healing tools and modern
science-based techniques, has personal experience
on how to heal and feel 10000% happy, healthy and whole again! She's
transformed hundreds of women's lives through her REDESIGN YOUR LIFE
Online Program, personalized 1:1 Coaching, and International Retreats.
She can also equip you with the essential tools
and unwavering support to reshape your life story.

Are you ready to reinvent your life in profoundly positive ways? and begin your fun and transformative adventure with Sharni Quinn.

Free offerings:


Free eBook - Superwoman Unplugged: 5 Simple Steps to Redesign Your Life... By Doing Less! -
Schedule a FREE 30-minute Coaching Call with Sharni -

Find Sharni At:



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