"In an interview with Harper's Bazaar the 37-year-old actress denied that she and Moby had ever dated: “I was surprised to hear that he characterized the very short time that I knew him as dating because my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me,” Portman said. She also pointed out basic factual errors with his recollection in the book, saying that she was not 20, as he claimed in the excerpt, but instead had just turned 18." from a Rolling Stones article about the situation. Moby's gonna run on for a long time. RUN ON!!!

Tommy Blaze is the F-ing man and no one will tell us otherwise. Absolutely perfect posture. Unbelievable! That David A.R. White seems like a mensch as well! But that last guy... what a fire swallowing jabroni. 

Learn about the lives of 3 weirdos in this EPIC Pureflix Original!

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