> Visit juju2cast.com

> Mr. Mike's year of 2014 and beyond Goals! & how I will be doing that and
where I am at now for my goals!
> Hit the Smaller Muscles With the Better Biceps Workout
> Do The Rock: Dwayne Johnson's Shoulder Routine
> Your Perfect Muscle Building Day
> The Water Debate Still rages on! How much water do you need? And how
much is to much?
> 3 Reasons Why You're not ripped
> Jake Schellenschlager age 14 controversy Should Young People Lift?

> Email Me Your Workout routines, results, questions In text Or Audio file
to: [email protected] & Twitter: @JuJu2cast

Format: MP3 HD
Bitrate: 128Kbps
Length: 1:47:32