Brett Campbell is a serial Entrepreneur, having founded 2 of Australasia fastest growing companies in there respected fields, including the Fast Growing fitness franchise at its time, exploding to 35 locations within the first 6 months of operations, and currently the fastest growing Digital Growth Agency, having recently won the accolade of 2018 Best Social Media Agency of the Year award for Australia and NZ within their first 12 months of operations.

Brett is a go to business expert when it comes to fast and effective business growth, having invested over $2M personally in paid advertising & his company now managing millions of dollars a year in advertising spend for his clients in over 30+ industries.

Brett is a published Author, Global Speaker and Television Personality on Australia’s #1 Mainstream Business Channel.

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Victor Ahipene: Speaking nation, what’s happening? Welcome to another episode of public speaking secrets. I’m your host, Victor Ahipene. And today I’ve got a good friend of mine who I’ve had on my previous podcasts, but since we last spoke in a podcast format, things have been kind of in a, in a whirlwind adventure. I think the last I was looking back, the last time we spoke on a podcast and uh, he was running events, uh, he was running some, uh, the your great be or greatness or something along those lines. Uh,

Brett Campbell: he’s totally missed it up.

Victor Ahipene: But yeah. But anyway, I’ll let Brett Great Campbell. He’s now doing some really, really cool things which we’ll delve into. And then there’s an amazing tips on how you can live with yourself as a speaker. So welcome to the show, Brett

Brett Campbell: Thanks for having me again. Um, thanks for totally chewing and spitting up. Um, you know, the intro to myself. Um, at least you’ve got my name right. That’s probably a main thing. That’s all it really counts now, but my absolute pleasure to be back here in your right. And you know, the last time we did an episode together was, would be a good couple of years ago. And, and since then, um, on know we’ve both been, um, hit down bottom up doing, doing a lot of things. Um, so, uh, yeah, might look forward to, to share with your audience.

Victor Ahipene: So give the audience a bit of a background on, on you. Uh, cause we’re gonna delve in free run. Listen, we’re going to delve into some marketing strategies, uh, because I don’t really know anyone better. Uh, that’s not saying I don’t know good people. I don’t know anyone better in the online marketing space than Brett and uh, yeah, he’s got some runs on the board. So why should people listen to you? What, what, what have you kind of done up to now?

Brett Campbell: Yeah, man. I can give you the Ogilvie, the sort of highlight, real a quick version of it, just so people can, can get some context. Um, cause I believe this really ties into speaking as a whole. Um, you know, I knew at an early age as far back as I could remember that I was put on this planet to speak right when I first started speaking, I didn’t know it was going to be speaking in a format where I can help motivate and inspire and drive other people to live to their ultimate potential. It was more about, I just had a lot of words that I wanted to say. So I was a really talkative kid right at school, you know, my mom said I could talk underwater. Um, yeah, so I took that as a, as a nice little accolade. I was like, oh, that’s good. You know. But, um, I was, I was a kid that got kicked out of high school because I was speaking too much. Like I’d speak to my friends, I’d always want a conversation. I’d always want to talk about stuff. Right. I was super curious. Um, kicked out of high school, fell into a trade, um, in, in New Zealand. So back where I was living in a little town called Huntley wasn’t, uh, the most ambitious place. Just Google it. Um, it might come up, I’ll think it’s my, it’s my Google for all the wrong reasons. Yeah. Make Google for the wrong reasons. But anyway, um, you know why I’m sharing that as I got kicked out of school for the thing that I now get paid very well to do. Right. Um, but it was very misguided and I had no idea what I ultimately wanted to be speaking about. My, I thought it was, I wanted to be an actor. That’s what it was for me. I was, I thought I wanted to be an actor. Um, but over time and over the years I realized that wasn’t the actual, um, outcome for me. So, you know, in a job, hated got to a point. I was there for five years, you know, and I was like, you know, I gotta leave, jumped on an airplane, had a suitcase, um, my golf clubs in hand, and moved to the Gold Coast to start what I would call my entrepreneurial journey. Um, and that’s where I became a fitness professional. Um, trading time for money. I use the good thing that I had, you know, I used the ability to be able to speak on the water, um, to be able to quickly build up a client list. I was very, very approachable and that was very, um, like I always, I felt like when I was speaking I was always putting off a nice energy, you know, like some people can speak in and it can be quite deterring. But for me, I had a natural gravitation towards having conversations with people and that’s what sort of helped me start the fitness business. And then one day I was walking out to go and train clients in the evening and I will pass my flat mate, roommate, um, her computer and she had a workout program on there. I was like, what does that, um, she’s like, yeah, just bolt. This workout program is $37. And that’s where the light bulb in my head went off. And, and uh, everything changed from the, I became obsessed about online marketing. I was like, this Internet thing is going to be the thing that’s going to help me get my message out there. To the world at the time, the message was let’s just create some workout programs and products. But you know, as the natural progression, I think of a speaker, I’m over a lot of speakers that I certainly communicate with and have had conversations with and coached and mentored over the years. Um, I feel once we get to the sort of point we want to, we want to see people be the best versions of themselves, you know? So I created a company called unleash your greatness, which is all about, you know, reaching your full potential. How do you do that in a, you know, in a tactile way, you know, and in a structured way because it’s okay, it’s okay being motivated, but you know, and feel real pumped about it. But then you leave an event or you listen, you stop listening to the podcast. You know, chase, I’ll feel inspired to do something great, but I’ve got absolutely no idea how to do it. You know? Hence why I like your events that you’re going to be running and had been running around. How do you actually get your message out there? And how do you clearly articulate it and communicate in such a way that it actually has impact, right? And impact that gets reported through, not just, that was really cool. That was great. And then you’re forgotten about. So, um, I use the speaking as a key political, many of my businesses. So our fitness company that we had, which was the fastest growing fitness franchise, I met his Tom here in Australia. We built 30 when we launched. We had 35 locations around the country is just, everything was crazy. Um, you know, coaching and mentoring was all built off the back end of speaking, running events. So, um, for me, speaking has always come naturally. Um, but I do remember my first ever speaking event where like when I realized I wanted to be a speaker, here’s what I did. So I attached myself to a mentor and said, hey, can I come to every single one of your events? I’ll pay for my tickets and everything to fly around the country with you to just sit and watch and observe until I mustered up the cars to say, Hey, can I run? One of the sessions and nice. Yep. Co you can run one of the stations. And I had the most epic fail you could ever have. So I thought, here’s what I’m going to do to be a good speaker. I’m going to record his session and then I’m going to go home and just listen to it on repeat, Bang, Bang. And then when it’s my turn to deliver this session, I delivered it and exactly how he did it. And it flopped. Not because he delivered it bad. It was because I was trying to be someone I wasn’t. Right. So really trying to find your true, authentic you as a speaker. Um, for me, once I allowed myself to be the Brett Campbell of Australia, right. Um, and I share that because I was in an event and someone goes, Oh, you want to be the Tony Robbins of Australia? I said, no, I don’t want to be Tony Robbins. I don’t want to be Brett Campbell of Australia. And when I had that moment, I was like, Shit. You know, I mean, I think like all speakers, right? Um, well, most speakers as you go, oh, what I’ve been watching Liz Brown or Zig Ziglar and you know, and you’re trying to be like them was like, um, you know, listen to me closely. You know, you’re trying to be ITI, hip hop preacher and you’re, you’re trying to be someone else that you’re not. Um, so for me it was just finding mine fade in the speaking world and then allowing that to navigate the rest of the, um, the journey. So maybe before I hijack your top podcasts for speaking too much, I don’t know. I’m going to shoot back to you. What, uh, what I’m interested in, say it now.

Victor Ahipene: I guess what you’re doing now, how has will, how did speaking influence or impact your business?

Brett Campbell: Hmm. Well, speaking as a general equation is everything, right? So it’s clear to go MSP. Most we talking, speaking from stage, speaking from podcasts, speaking on video, speaking to humans, speaking to our new team, right outtake and so on and so forth. So learning how to communicate, whether you’ve have the ambition of standing on a stage in front of 30,000 people or you are wanting to sit down in a one-on-one sense and have a dialog with a potential prospect or customer or a potential team member to join your team. Speaking and communication is everything, right? It’s, it’s, if you don’t know how to communicate, you got nothing.

Victor Ahipene: And so we’re has this big speaking journey. Where’s it got you now? Where are you now? Well, my way around, I’m sitting in the office right now.

Brett Campbell: I’m with been an now and now new office here for the last three weeks. Um, two days ago we actually just our digital growth agency, so it was Campbell media group. So for the last two years I’ve been head down, bum up building Australia’s fastest and most successful digital growth agency. So we took out 2018 best small social media agency of the year award in Australia and New Zealand. Um, we’ve built a team of about 20, 20 people now and growing. Um, but more importantly, we’re achieving amazing results for our clients. So we’ve got the luxury of, um, being able to see what millions of dollars of ad spend does and, you know, 30 plus different industries. So, um, our digital growth agency, we’re a performance based business, so we help build and scale businesses using paid traffic.

Victor Ahipene: And sorry, I was just, I was, I was on the design there, uh, just listening away with all of that, I mean, let’s, let’s, let’s draw on that huge amount of knowledge. I mean, you’ve got 30 different industries, but let’s say there’s someone who’s an expert or an authority, a coach, whatever it may be in a particular industry, uh, and now looking to come to you and they say, hey, Brett, I want to run some sort of events. Like, you know, they may be clueless, they might not understand that this free events and then there’s, you know, cheap events and then there’s more expensive events and all the different things they come in and sit down with you, what would say a strategy session for them look like to kind of get them to where they want to go.

Brett Campbell: Yeah, yeah, that’s, that’s a great question. Um, and the best place in which I always thought is the place where people don’t want me to start. And that’s because it’s not tactile. Right. Um, I’ll, I’ve been on this rant of the last few weeks since I’ve sorta stepped back out of the building of the business right at this moment and more of the die to die and stepping back out and now sharing out narrative out there to the world because I’ve seen something and epidemic sweeping through businesses. Um, and especially the solo preneur community or the, you know, the person with maybe a team of five and under have seen something absolutely crazy happening there. And I put my hand up cause I was one of those people as well and I was Sorta, I had that initial mindset as well. I mean, um, the, the first place that we all need to start looking at, if you’re a speak your coach for your marketer and you want to get your products or services out and you want to sell more and make more money, you need to get serious about I, you actually building a business, right? This is game changing. Are you actually building a business or you’re just trying to generate some money so you can have some, you know, a hundred, 150 grand a year, you know that you’re sort of drawing from your, um, you know, drawing from your business. Like what do you actually want? Cause that dictates everything that changes everything. If you’ve got goals of you want to do 10 million a year, okay, that will drastically change the way your event schedule and events look like in your event marketing and strategy around it all. Then if you’re gone, all anyone, I make 500 grand a year, so you have to get super clear on, and I say this because not only have I built my own speaking company, I’ve helped dozens of entrepreneurs build their own speaking companies. Um, as well. And this is where it’s got to start from is what is it going to look like? to look like first? How much can you actually afford to get a bum on site? Whether it’s free or whether it’s paid. And if you don’t know your economics, you just don’t know. Because when you know that you can spend $89 to acquire a free ticket because on the back end you’re going to make $843,000. Baba, when you know those numbers, that’s when paid advertising and, and investing into your business becomes super easy. It becomes super easy. You know, when I, when I was running, um, and they’ve been on hiatus for the last two years cause I’ve been building this new company, um, you know, when I was running events, like it was actually, if I’ve got to be honest, a speaking business, speaking and coaching business was the easiest business I’ve ever built. Like I literally, I looked at my targets, I was like, cool, I want to be doing them. You know, I want to be doing $1 million a year. Um, from a speaking consulting business and here’s what that’s gonna look like coat you’re going to do. Um, I big events. Hey, you gonna do 20 small events that you’re going to need this many people at each event because this is the basic conversion, right? That you’re going to get from each one. And it just became clockwork. Then when it came time to, to mock at an event, it was like, cool, we’re, we’re six weeks out from the event. Let’s go heavy on it right now. Let’s, let’s launch the marketing plan. And that didn’t change very often cause it just get working and working. So I knew what I could spend two a car late and I knew what the backend would look like from there. People, uh, To run to run events and full events and they’re like, I’ll just do it free. But at the end of this aisle, how many free people do you need in there to make a sale? And what’s your sale worth? What’s the actual net profit based off that? Not, not how much is the Gross, cause you’ve got to put in delivery costs and all of this. And so that really ties back to the starting point of what do you want this business to look like? Is it a hobby or a business? Cause that changes every other decision we make moving forward from there.

Victor Ahipene: And I guess once you understand the power of, I was having this chat with a, with a friend the other day, um, and you know, he was talking about a business that he’s thinking of starting, et Cetera, et cetera. And he said, Oh yeah, we’ll have to start it off. Yeah, I’ll have to start it off slow and then build it. Ah, you don’t realize you’re creating an online business. You’ve got a fire hose that if you know how to turn it on, you don’t need it. You don’t have to worry about eco. You just have to know how much can you make off the back end of these people and how much money have got to be able to afford to get them into the test and measure and that sort of thing. Which I think is, uh, yeah, a lot of people don’t understand how quickly you can potentially, if you’ve got all the moving parts set up, well you can flip that switch. And that’s obviously what you guys help in as well.

Brett Campbell: Well, and I’m going to give you a very biased opinion here, right? But what I know now, even if I was to no longer be a part of our digital growth agency and I was going to go start a brand new business, the last thing that I personally would be doing is running my own ads. You’re telling you unless you want to go and build your own digital growth agency, then I highly recommend going to learn everything you can about ads, learn everything you can about marketing, about psychology, about everything you can, what it with what it takes to become really good at it. But if you don’t want to build a digital growth, I just don’t go and do it. I know that product, I was talking to someone today, um, and I offer some, some, you know, some consulting, um, to, to an organization that they’ve got close relationship with. And I help out some of these students. And, um, the question that I got today was, um, I want to do some more things around ads. I’m not really sure about, you know, what’s the best, um, like for targeting and all like these questions. Um, tactile questions and, and, and I, Sid [inaudible] to this particular person, I said, look, do you think it’s weird how you don’t see any posts out there on Facebook around people asking, um, what do I put in the W2 field and zero when I’m submitting my bess? Like there’s no one out there on fate, on Facebook asking those questions. There’s also no one on Facebook on how I got a letter from, you know, Ernst and young legal yesterday and they want to sue me for x, Y, z. How do did you reply to this? But you don’t see those questions, right? Cause they’re established industries. You go to an account and you go to a lawyer, right? You go to the people who know what they’re bloody doing. People are seeing advertising and marketing as it’s out, I’ll just do it because it’s fun, right? And, and that is the furthest thing from the truth. Marketing is a very, very highly skilled pillow within sod. An organization and business owners and solopreneurs are going, Whoa, I liked marketing, so I’m going to do that. Or I don’t really see the value in investing in that. Hold on a minute. Marketing is the life line of your business. If you don’t have any leads or sales coming through, you absolutely diddly squat. You can have the best pattern or best trademark or best kept secret on the planet. But none of that means nothing if you’re not getting it out there to people. Right? So I, I’ve, I’ve been on this big rant of light of, of business owners, entrepreneurs staying in their lane, working on what they really, really good at and outsourcing. And of course I’ve got a biased opinion around this cause this is why I’ve created this business because, you know, I was coaching hundreds and hundreds of entrepreneurs and may, you can lead a horse to water. You can even jump on the bloody neck and put the head in the water, but they’re still gonna drink it, right? So for me it was like I’ll sharing our best strategies always. And I’ve always been an open book. I’ve shared my best strategies we’ve ever used to generate millions of fans organically when organic was crazy, you know, to generate leads and so on and so forth. But the reality is most people just don’t go and do it. Right. That ain’t gone do it. Because what originally starts out as, oh, this is really exciting. This is cool. I like marketing. It adds, that’s, that’s fun. I get to do some creative images on Canva. You quickly realize that in order to generate business, whether it’s filling up your events, so selling your online products or building a product or service based business marketing needs to be taken seriously and advertising needs to be taken seriously. Yeah. So I was sharing this with this person. I’m like, right. So, um, at the end of the conversation he’s like, there you go. Yep. You’re right. I don’t even know why I was thinking about doing it. And this is because Facebook advertising, like paid advertising is an honest stablish industry right now. It’s still so fresh, right? It’s still new. It’s the wild, wild west out there still. There’s a lot of cowboys out there and I get that and I totally understand that and I know why they’re trying to do it and all of those things. But the reality is it’s not established. People are getting burned. So that allowed do it myself. I’ll just learn it myself. And that’s just unfortunately it’s, and fortunately for us though, because it’s, you know, I mean we, we’ve been operating two years and we haven’t even started going marketing. Well that’s, that’s absolutely crazy that we haven’t even, like we’re a digital growth agency. We haven’t even, like I’ve just, we’ve only started to put out a few little pins and paces because I want to, do you know what I mean? Versus we don’t even have an add right now or no ads running to, hey, let’s do business together. So we, and this, this can help for a lot of speakers too, cause I’m obviously wanting to talk back into speakers here is that is purely based on, I’ve been putting value out and as you’ve known me for many years, I’ve been putting value out to the Internet for a long time. Right? Sharing whether it’s videos, I mean the first, first 12 months of of I’m building Campbell Media Group, which is now Claxton, the first 12 months that we did a daily Vlog like, and we’re putting out some really good content and we’re just reaping the rewards of the, of the seeds that we sold back into three, four, eight years ago, 10 years ago. So the best thing a speaker can do to get people showing up and turning up to their events is putting out massive amounts of content that is valuable on, I’d rather you put out one piece of content a day that’s valuable than 20 that shit. Or 20 that’s super average, right? The periscope,

Victor Ahipene: Facebook live days and everyone was going 20 times a day with crap.

Brett Campbell: Yeah, that’s right. I mean in saying that I tried to break the world record of Facebook lives mentally. I don’t know what the actual record was, but we’re, we’re aiming to do 101 day and we’ve got 66 and we got shut down. It that went 66 pieces of crap. It was like, it was an inspirational message. Everyone’s was like a minute long or two minutes long each one. Um, and I wasn’t like, Hey, this is my 56, see on the 57th, like, you know, I was still putting out and you know, that in itself just by doing that actually, um, you know, landed me a lot of a lot of business just from doing that. And that was just a stupid idea I had the night before and I messaged, um, a videographer and, um, Jack CUNY, you know, I’m like, all right, we’re doing the hundred lives tomorrow. Oh, okay. And then I started to work it out and I’m like on the calculator, I was like, okay, if I do a lot of in this average two minutes and this and that, oh my God, this is going to take up a few hours of my day. I assume all dye was hijacked by this silly idea. But again, people can see out there. They get to know a lot more about me as a person. I mean there’s, there’s two trains of thought. There’s the, do you want to be the expert that people just throw up on a pedestal and think that you’re, um, you know, like as much as I actually, I won’t even use this person cause I despise them in the space. Um, who’s an example? Um, I’ve gone blank there. But would you rather be someone who sort of elusive and, but you’re only ever seen in a professional manner, you know, like, let’s use Brendan Rashard, right? Love the guy to death. But he, he’s only just starting to come out of his cage in the sense of showing more behind the scenes of who he actually is as a human being. By the first five years of knowing him, I’d never even seen a photo of his wife on one. Now again, some people don’t want to do that, but there’s that you want to be seen in net lot or do you want to be like Gary Bay for example, where you get to see everything? Yeah, right it two different ways and you’ve got to pick which one you want. You can’t sort of, I’m going to do a bit of this and a bit of that. It’s like pick which flavor really resonates with you. Um, I’ve feel it’s a lot easier just to being me 100% of the time. Right? I can sleep well at night and, and on. Now if I ever say something, I’ll stand behind what I’m saying. You know, so, and that makes it a lot easier when you’re having conversations with people and it allows you to vibe more with other people. Cause again, energy flows, right? Energy is palpable and people will be able to pick up if someone’s authentic or not. You don’t have to be a great speaker to make good money in the speaking world. You just have to be as authentic as you possibly can. Let be the real you. People will gravitate towards that man. You don’t need to be Tony Robbins. You don’t need to be a zig Ziglar 80 Gary Vaynerchuk, Gronk to any of the, any people you need to be yourself and you just need to be at it being good at being you.

Victor Ahipene: Yeah. I think you’ve like going back to your, your, your thing on. Um, yeah, it’d been the wild west. I crack up. I’ve seen ads targeting people wanting to start their own kind of, you one man agencies in, it’s like get this course on how to install a pixel and keep going. I got my team outside making a Ruckus and uh, and yeah, that, that sitting there gun like, Hey, you can install a pixel. And it’s like, man, am I, am I? Yeah, I don’t, I say them all the time. You see them all the time in Facebook groups and on pages and that going, hey, I’m looking for my first client. Or even worse than different groups I’ve seen, I’ve got my first client, does anyone know how to get mortgage brokers leads? And you see the guy, oh my God, how are you taking x amount of dollars a month? Or somebody with no runs on the board and you’ve probably just learned how to install a pixel. You got no, no strategy in place. Like you haven’t started from, is this going to be a lifestyle business? This is going to be an empire that you’re building up and all of those things. So I mean I think those are really important. Yeah, I mean I’d highly recommend Brit, but this, if you are looking for somebody out there, it’s not just about sitting up Facebook ads or Google ads or having anything in and around that if you’re a yeah, a speaker or even if it’s with your business, it’s a lot more of like, hey, here’s this person got runs on the board. Have they spent their own money? You know, throwing it out behind ads. Have they got results for their clients? Are they, yeah. Can you ring up their clients who are in the same space or similar space and go, yeah. What’s it been like working with Joe blogs because otherwise it’s just this recipe of, yeah, I think you running away bigger risk when someone says, oh, run your ads for free. You just pay for the ad speed. Like I realize you have experienced somewhere, but yeah, if they stuff it, yeah. If they haven’t got the things in place, if they haven’t got retargeting or email campaigns or whatever it may be, or the right funnel set up or just the right strategy in place from the start, you’re going to be in more trouble than not.

Brett Campbell: Here’s the problem, right? Entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small little startups, they know enough to be dangerous, right? They know terms like email campaigns in a, oh, I’m going to do a drip sequence or I’ve got to set up a many chat message Bot. You know, they, they know enough to be dangerous, but they don’t know how to create an overall ecosystem of what’s going to be successful. Let me see. Let me just break this down because this, this will open up anyone’s eyes to what it really takes to create winning Facebook campaigns. Okay. Right? And this, this should deter you because, look, I sort of feel sorry for people who have been burned by other people out there, but I also needed to now state, you know what you need to take personal responsibility of who you decide to work with. If you’re not smart enough or emotionally intelligent enough to go, hold on a minute. I’m actually going to ask some questions. Do you have any results? Tell me about that. Show me that. Don’t just go and blind, right? Just don’t go in blind. Like I’ll tell you what, I’m not going to go get a tattoo from a guy who, who’s told me that he’s done some good tattoos on a see his work. I want to say some people who have tattoos from him, I want to ask them how is the experience? Right. It’s just doing your due diligence. If you’re in business, you should be doing your due diligence regardless, regardless of of whatever you’re looking to do. You need to do your due diligence. But let me share this out. If you are out there and you’re, you’re interested in in to run to, find someone to help with your marketing and fill your events, which I think is the best possible thing that you could possibly do. Um, is that, so there’s five specific lenses that you need when it comes to creating winning Facebook advertising campaigns. And to prefaces this is, this is a collection of, of credit, this narrative of spinning multiple millions of dollars, right? I spent a couple of minutes, $2 million myself personally before starting outgrowth agency. So I, you know, to run my own companies at the start I spent over $2 million myself, right? And this is collective knowledge based off success over thousands and thousands of campaigns is five lanes in which you need five unique skill sets. One is the technician can, it’s the person who sits in the Facebook ads manager. They are the one who creates the ad. Are they the one that goes and yet we’re going to use dynamic Crider. We’re going to do this, we’re going to have a carousel. We are going to go bang, Bang, Bang. We’re going to target 18 to 50, 55 year old, um, is schemos living in African plains, right? That’s they the technician, they love data. They love analytics. They’re the ones who go in and they, they find out that actually the best audience was 24 year old blonde females living in the gold coast who are interested in makeup, right? That’s the technical component. That’s a very analytical minded person. The second lens you need is that of the copywriting. The copywriter man. And this, this, this baffles me. Like people will write their ads. This is how people write their ads. They’ll open up their ad account and they’ll go, oh, halon um, 50% of new product, Bang, Bang, the writers on the fly, like there was no intentional thought put in behind it. That in itself baffles me. But a copywriter, they need to be, they need to understand psychology and understand persuasion, influence, how to get someone to go from a to z seamlessly using words and words only. That is a skill. I’ve jumped, I jumped onto that like 12 years ago, 11 years ago now. And I still feel like I’m learning so much about copywriting but, but it’s, I’ll tell you what, hands down one of the, other than speaking, we’ll bicycle it. It helps you speak because when you’re speaking, you need to know what to say effectively. Copywriting is basically, instead of me writing down these words, I’m saying them in the car, correct daughter, that’s going to make the correct movement or pattern or feeling for someone who’s listening, right? So copywriting is absolutely integral component and that’s a very creative top of mind at a very different thinking. So you’ve got analytical to start with and then you’ve got to expect to be a very creative emotional type thinker. The third lens is that of creative itself. So designing the person, the creative designer who knows how to design an image or not has had a mixed colors. So it looks pretty, but then you’ve got the creative thinker with inside of that guy. Okay, so if we’re looking to sell Avocados, what we’re going to need to do is they’re going to need to create a video or an image where there’s an Avatar [inaudible] running down the street and he’s jumping over hurdles and he’s about to hand the baton off to his cousin, avocado or whatever, right? Whatever idea you come up with that’s in alignment with the writing, the copywriting, the words, those three to speaks synergistically cause you can have the right message, the right product, but the wrong wrong targeting monk bone, right? And vice versa. We can go through all of those things. You can have the right words with the wrong image and the right targeting and I, in a way it’s just gonna. It just has to feel right. Marketing done perfectly needs to feel seamless. Like you need to be lying in bed and you’re like, Holy Shit, I just bought this thing and I didn’t even realize I went through that process. That is good marketing, right? The full things that we need to look at is out of strategy. So that’s the person who creates the map. That’s the person who goes, okay, so we’ve got product x, we’ve got a plastic cup. How are we going to sell 45,000 units of this plastic cup? Right? What are we gonna do with this thing? What are we going to do now in a month, in three months, six months? What are we gonna do in the first two weeks? It’s going to start to build equity that we’re going to be able to pick all the fruits and four months. So six months. And the of the strategy maker, the mapmaker, right? They, they create the lie of the land. And in the fifth Lens, and this is why we have an unfair advantage, I believe in agency world right now is that of the business builder. So at the hot on the business builder, I love building businesses. I’ve got multiple businesses and every single business that I’ve built is doing fantastic Ryan. It’s not because I’m great, it’s just because I have this natural, um, natural moving movement towards solving problems. And that’s what businesses is just solving problems. I secretly love problems. That’s why I get so many of them come to me cause I love solving them. Right? I’m a bit of a weird guy when it comes to that, but the business builder looks at and goes, okay victor, so you come to me, we’re sitting Daniel like bread. I need a hundred people in your model. Why do we need a hundred and you break down in your like cause I need to make $4 million a year. That’s our targets and goals. I’m okay. Well how else are you going to do this? And we look at it from the business holistically, 30,000 foot view. And I’m like okay, I can see if you use us, we’re going to you at about six months cause you’re not gonna have the infrastructure, you’re not going to have the team, you know, can have this, this, this, this and this in place. Right now think about it. What does that have to do with Facebook ads? Absolutely diddly squat. But it has everything to do with Facebook ads, right? So knowing how to build and grow our business, we rapidly changed the way in which you look at advertising, marketing, your sales, your accounting and finance, everything. So that is how you create winning Facebook advertising campaigns.

Victor Ahipene: Yeah, well I know personally I’ve only got two lenses and my glasses, so I uh, can 100% agree that if you do not have those five lenses in place, then you’re going to get a few prompts along the way. Um, and I always, always love having a chat with you because it has this insight that, uh, at gleamed from experience as well as, you know, developing and overcoming these problems where it’s a lot better than theoretical.

Brett Campbell: Yup. I’ll look, I was talking about Thomas and I was like, oh my, like if I could go back to myself six years ago when all was running ads or I was spending thousands of dollars a day running ads, I would go and punch myself right in the nose. So I’d be like, Brett, what are you doing? Like always doing the path of least resistance, man. Like, I would put an ad up and add sometimes feel odd and I have enough, this is going to work, but I’m gonna be able to get it out really quickly. Right? Like I didn’t sit down and map out an entire strategy and what got me through was just relentlessness of never failing. Right. Overall. But, um, yeah, and, and I’ll caveat this by saying, look, you don’t have to have all of those five lenses to get some results, but if you want to win it consistently and longterm, you need to start thinking in that context. Um, but yeah, man, like when, when I was first started advertising my way of tracking it, there was no tracking pixels. There’s none of that stuff. There was not analytics inside Facebook. It was very, very basic. Um, how I tracked was how much money was in my clickbank account at the time. So I was using clickbank marketplace, um, versus how much was going out of my account every day. That that was it. That was how I tracked it. I was like, cool. My 10 grand today, I own in my clickbank account. Um, and on a spent three. Cool, great, let’s go next. I’m going to spend five. You know what I mean? Like that’s how, that’s how all was making decision. Silly. But I was, again, I had I guess enough natural ability and, and you know, relentlessness to, to figure it out. Like I wasn’t sort of sitting back and waiting for things to happen, you know, every hour I had, I was trying to obsess over this stuff, trying to figure it out.

Victor Ahipene: And I think that’s again, what you, you come back to is staying in your lane. Um, do, do you as a business owner, one of become obsessed with Facebook marketing? Like t to me it’s, it’s a, it’s a lot bit of time spent becoming obsessed with overall marketing so that yeah, when you do come and sit down with someone like you, you’re like, hey, cool, this is something that I’d like to do and this is the reasons why. And you can, you know, both where that fifth lens of being a a business builder and understanding the psychology than it is, you know, you don’t, yeah. You don’t, you don’t go and get a yeah, a random PT for no reason. It’s, she’s right. You don’t buy a house and go, oh yeah, no the, the, the owners said that structurally it’s pretty good. It’s probably nothing.

Brett Campbell: Yeah, it is. No termites. Oh Shit. I’ll say 40 bucks on a term of 200 bucks on a termite check. Now I’m not going to get my car checked. I’m just going to buy it off Fred from around the corner. Cause he says it’s legit and he just got a service on it. Yeah. Rado Fred, right? Like it’s, it’s true man. And, and you go to look at it from a different perspective and look at Your Business. And the question that I think everyone needs to ask overall is, are you really trying to build a business? Or are you just trying to Sorta, you know, earn some ACAT, some cash flow to pay the bills and a little bit more than what you might get from a job? That the unfortunate reality is most entrepreneurs, startups who are trying to run their own business and making less money than what you would if you actually went and had a job.

But when you actually break it down, you know, it’s like, it’s what you’re losing an income you’re making up for feeling proud about trying to be an entrepreneur. You know what I mean? Maintenance. It’s not, uh, and I’d certainly, if we had have had this interview and you asked me these questions, I would love to, to hear my answers, you know, two years ago. But it’s changed dramatically. You know, I like in the way in which we’ve built our own business, but even, you know, how we build and help build our client’s business. Like, we, we’ve got clients who, you know, billion dollar companies down to, you know, um, small, um, small businesses, right? And having conversations with, with CEOs and Cmos of large corporations where they’re like, oh, this is our ad budget for the next 12 months. Like this is where my head goes. Okay, this is where the marketer just jumps out at me. Cause I’m like, oh, okay. So that’s all you’re allowed to spend over the next whole month. So I was like, you know, 30 grand this month, 30 grand that month here we can spend 50 there, 30. It’s like how can you already, and I understand first and foremost, I understand that that’s a baseline, but it’s like, do you, you didn’t even realize what this potential 30 grand can do in month one, two, month two, we want you spending $3 million a month if you know, if your business can take it. And that’s why you gotta understand about the business and the potential. And you know, like what I say about anyone who joins with us and, and you know, works with us as we’re going to quickly find out whether you’re sitting on a gold mine, right? Or if your business is safe for Fila.That’s it. Cause we will break your business. And I don’t want to say that in a way we’re, because you don’t break it overnight, but what I mean is if you’re not set up for, and again, we wouldn’t wildly just go and create campaigns and you know, et Cetera to break your business, thousand new clients and, but, but what I mean as well on the flip side of that is we’ll quickly know if your positioning is not right because you can run traffic to a page and not get a result. And you’re like, okay, well there’s this wrong and that’s wrong. That’s wrong. The way you’re positioning the product is wrong. A lot of speakers, man, the success I think is, so the difference between success and failure in the speaking world is very, very minute. I feel the way in which you position your events, you know, people are like, oh just do freak because that person is, don’t be afraid. Or I’ll do a $75 event and then I’ll do a VIP ticket or I’m going to do a thousand dollar ticket up front and I’m not going to sell anything or whatever it is that you’ve got to go. Where’s that coming from? Why using their strategy and how does that strategy fit into your overall 12 month business plan? The goals, right. The targets. Because if you’re just doing a free event, cause you seem Britt run afraid of it, you don’t know what I’m doing on the back end, the middle end in any other in that there is, right. You don’t know what my conversion is, your conversion and say you gotta stop being serious about your business or if you’re just, you have no. Um, and I, and I find this with a lot of speakers, a lot of speakers just want to speak. They just want to speak. Cool. Well, you need to build a team around you of people who are obsessed about building business and build the speaking company. Yeah. That’s how you’re going to get almost like don’t wait for, for Bobby Jones to call you and invite you to be a keynote speaker on a state. You might get one of them a year or a couple of them a year or or whatever, depending on how good you are. Right. You have to build the infrastructure around you haul people, partner with someone. Right.

Victor Ahipene: I think the big thing as well, when you said you don’t know what you’re doing on the back end and the middle end and all the rest of it is, it’s also like this, the, when you’re talking about that whole business strategy, it’s the one, three, six 12 24 months down the track of not, oh yeah, Brett ran this free event and then he absolved them to $1,000 program and then it’s like, oh yeah, that, that’s cool. But you don’t also understand that, okay, if I do that, you know, you might be able to ton of hard work, but then it might be six months down the track, you’re signing 50% up of the up to a 25 or a $12,000 program and then yeah, a year later you’re doing done for you services for them off the back end and you’ve got a team and that’s when it finally all turns profitable because you know, you could afford to burn the money upfront because you knew that down the back end it was coming. And I think, yeah, there’s the, there’s the dangerous thing when people don’t have that kind of a model from a speaking point of view, and I’ve had other guests have talked about you. They use keynote presentations as basically even though they’ll get paid, they use it as their free option basically, you know, companies will see them, they’ll want to then hire them for consulting or hire them to do done for you things. Where

is it? Yeah. A lot of other speakers will use that as a end goal. I want to be a speaker and then I just leaving all this other stuff on the table.

Brett Campbell: The only time you’re going to be a keynote speaker and get, you know, five grand gigs and you’re going to get them consistently a few a month is when you actually have some massive value to be able to provide and, and don’t. And, and I’m not saying what your story isn’t massively valuable, but there needs to be some like celebrity connection to what you need to be the leader in your field. You need to be the best at something. You know where you need to be pioneering that and be the vocal piece of all of that or else you’re not going to get the gigs. That I’ve got one relationship that and, and I’ll share this review. Um, we all had an opportunity to speak at this particular organization and I got called on a Thursday afternoon to, hey, do I want to go to, um, fly at the, jump on an airplane, um, to go, uh, I’m trying not to give it away because I want to share some other stuff about it, but I had to go and fly. I had to go and jump on an airplane. Um, the very next day at 6:00 AM and I was talking to this person at 7:00 PM at night phone ended, our call ended at 9:00 PM by me saying, Oh, when, when are you needing me? And he goes, all tomorrow on my holy crap. I was like, cool, I’ll do it. And it was free, right? Ivan’s Ivan said on pay for my tickets to go down. He’s all, I’ll copy you there. Um, and I said to my misses, well, my wife now, I said, oh, I am gonna, I’m going to speak tomorrow. I’m flying down, I’m going to take the day off. Cause again my up companies, but w it was all good, everything was going great. Um, and I was literally just gonna share my story, really sharing my story and, and I’m talking about sales funnels in between. So it was a pretty cool presentation. Long story short, I created it on the airplane down there, um, when the highest rated speakers that this organization as they’ve had had. And I have been picking the fruits from that for ever since. Like, it’s been the most valuable, um, relationship I could ever create because I’d give myself up for free. I’m happy to let people reach out to me now if it fits, I’ll speak for free. Like I’m not sitting here going, Oh, I’ve got a multimillion dollar companies on. I should be getting paid 20 grand to go and speak on, go and speak at any organization. Go and give me 10 people in an audience, right? 10 people in audience who are my sort of target market, I’ll make way more than 20 grand out of those 10 people. And because I’ll provide such immense value that that will, they will not be able to not commit to something. Right? And that’s the, that’s the, that’s the value they right. Is people have got it around the wrong way. So many speakers, I’ll join the speaker thing a few years ago and it was the biggest piece of crap I’ve ever joined in my life. It was such a wrought, um, I shouldn’t show, I’ll wind shout them out. But um, but what was, you know, 5% of the speakers want it to be speaker so they can just do some keynotes and live off that. And it’s like, that is going to be the path, the hottest path for you ever to become recognized in the speaking world. You need to like, let me, let me show you to the extent of which I’m going to right now. Right? So a lot of people would look at on the outside and go, Brett, you’re successful. You’re doing this, you’re building this business. You’ve got multiple businesses, et Cetera, et cetera. You’d be, you’re really busy. People will be reaching out to you to speak. Yes, people do reach out to me to speak. However, I’m now in a position in sod model organization where I’m committing 80% of my full time on the clock, let’s call it to speaking to, to talking about what we’re talking about here. Cause I’m so if I’m passionate about it, whether it’s podcast where there’s a lot of events, et Cetera, so on, I am right now reaching out to people, asking them, well, I’m not waiting for them to go, Oh, I’m not sending you filling entitled going, man, I’ve spent millions of dollars and have generated, you know, over over 2 million leads. Total it collectively and, and I’ve made this many millions and all of this. I’m not going on nail too good for people, for me to reach out. Oh No, I’ll reach out to anyone. Well, I mean the reason why we’re doing this podcast because I reached out to you and said, dude, let’s do a podcast. And guess when that happened yesterday. Yesterday you sent me the link. I booked one of the first available times that I had, which was this afternoon. Right. And this is just a show. You look for speakers who are listening and this is like this. I don’t want this to try and be, oh, this is how good Britta is. This is just what I’m prepared to do. Right. I know what I have to share as extremely valuable and I’ll do whatever I have to do to share it. And I think too many speakers sitting on their high honc hes waiting for a bloody invite to be a keynote at the world gala.

Victor Ahipene: Yeah, and I think one of the big things is, isn’t it? How much do you like flying? Like 0% like all of it. Like if you’re going to be a keynote speaker, it’s not gonna all be in your city. You’re going to be flying left, right and center and to make a decent cross that you’re getting. If you, if you are an awesome keynote speaker and you’re getting 10 or 20 grand to talk, you’re still going to be doing a hell of a lot of flying, a hell of a lot of hotels, hell of a lot of time away from your, your family and your friends. But I mean you can, like you say, find the right audience. Russell Brunson, you know, jumped up and I don’t know what, three and a half million dollars in a 90 minute presentation that he did for free and it’s like, okay, what has speaking fee? If he decides he will speak as well, like $150,000 or something like that. But I heard a podcast where he’s like, you now, you basically, he just puts it so in case it’s an awesome opportunity, but he’s saying no to pretty much all those organizations that are willing to pay a hundred because it’s not with, it’s not 150 k versus you know, three and a half of three and a half pages where it is.

Brett Campbell: That is, here’s where I feel that is because I feel like I’ve got to, I’ve got to build an opinion around that is it’s marketing by, he’s a fucking great Magog. I tried not to swear the whole podcast. I’m trying to do my best to not swear as much lately. Um, I know you don’t care, but, um, I just broke my own rule anyway. I nearly made it and this wager nearly made it. Um, and I’ll tell you what, being so conscious about not swearing real, I realized how often I’d model frequently swore if, if we’re just generally having a conversation, cause I’m like, Ooh, go that one back. Anyway, around the speaking room, it’s positioning. So this is perfect, is a perfect example of how you can position yourself and get the result you want. That’s marketing one on one. So you can say, Yo, cool. I could say the same thing. I’m like, look, if you want me to speak at your event, it’s $150,000. Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ll do it for free and you just let me pitch at the end. Oh, what are you going to? And then I’ll split half of it with you. Oh, I mean, okay. What’s, what’s the best option there? Right. Um, cause all would be very, very surprised if they get, he would ever get paid 150k just as a keynote speaker. You know what I mean? On all sorts. Now you’ve got paid his, his rights like 200. Um, I know somebody who’s paid it, but um, the point there is the positioning man, it’s genius. It’s like if you’re someone who is a, as a keynote speaker, well you want to be a keynote speaker, um, you can state your, your writer’s x, but you have to do it for free. I mean I’m happy to do it for free and not expect anything. I might look, I’m happy to just to come and vibe with your audience. Um, and that’s where, and this is the important part, cause you know, like you’re right, Russell’s not speaking any more, but when click funnels was starting, when clickfunnels was only a year or two old, maybe you’d speak everywhere in any way. Right? Cause that’s the, that’s the stage. So for anyone listening right now, you’ve got to look at the stage that you’re at in business. And I, for the last two years I’ve been doing zero podcasts and I’ve been doing zero speaking gigs. Why? Because I’ve been building a company now, could I have done it? Yeah. I mean we’re not say zero. I’ve done a handful of speaking gigs. I’m with relationships already pre established and commitments. But now where I’m at in the journey and with the business and what we’ve been able to build and get to where it is right now to enable me, like I want to spend seven days on a, on an island with a bunch of entrepreneurs. I spoke, I ran a couple of sessions, I paid [inaudible], I paid to be there. Right? But the value on the backend of that is just ridiculously the ROI, right? So you’ve got to look at where you’re at, the that you’re at in your business, and what are you prepared to do, right? What are you prepared to do? That’s why now I’m saying I’m going to go on as many podcasts. I’m going to go on as many speaking events, etc. Someone calls me up in 30 minutes and says I need to be in Hong Kong tomorrow. If there’s a flight at immediately I’m on it. Right. Cause that’s where on that, so you’ve got to check in with yourself first of all and go where are you at in the cycle of things and what are you willing to commit to?

Victor Ahipene: Well we’re going to rent that out because I think I, if you are looking for it, and this isn’t me, this is ain’t bloody sponsored podcast or anything, but if you are looking,

Brett Campbell: you should sponsor us, Victor my friend. You should sponsor us.

Victor Ahipene: Is this a good clicks and proudly brought to you by by Victor is a yeah, definitely. Take a step back, look at what you’re trying to achieve with your marketing as a speaker and then what you’re trying to achieve as a speaker. I think, you know, from Brown, Brown results, we’ve got some pretty awesome insights and I’m looking forward to not me personally, but my team taking this apart and getting some awesome sound bites out of it because it was definitely some, some food for thought for me sitting here like slouching into my chair, trying to hide. Um, because Theresa, it’s um, but I think I’m sure many of you out there, no matter where you are in your business, they’re getting the same thing. So for that, Brett, I really appreciate you and thank you for coming on. If people want to check out Clixon check out you. Uh, where can I go? What can they do?

Brett Campbell: Just go to or Either either follow me on any social media send me DMs, whatever the case may be. Let’s let’s connect in some way, shape or form. And if you go to podcast, reach out to me. Cause like I said, I’m going to take the world by storm with this message. Go claxon and spell C L A X. O. N. Cool. Just so you know. That’s the first time I’ve ever had to spell it out loud.

Victor Ahipene: There you go. If you go on the podcast, awesome. So we’ll like call her that and everything else in the show notes at public speaking, again, really appreciate your great and I’ll look forward to coming in and checking out the new office.

Brett Campbell: Go brother. See you soon.