In today’s episode I will be showing you the avenues you can go down to build, package and grow your authority no matter the industry.

This will allow you to:

1) Build trust with cold audiences

2) Remove risk from event organisers looking to book you (as they know you an expert/authority)

3) Lead to more and more speaking engagements

This is part of a 5 Day Speak to Sell Video Series. To check out the other videos go to

Victor Ahipene: Hey team, welcome to day two of the speak to sell video series. I really hope you’ve had a chance to work out your supermodel speaking system is it really sits that foundation to build up your speaking career and to be able to position yourself to be able to get onto stages. So what we’re going to be working on today is how you can package up some of the, uh, some of the accolades that you have been able to achieve throughout and within your industry that are going to allow for social proof and social markers for different key individuals and the first key individual that you’re going to be wanting to build your authority up for event organizers. So what you’ve got to understand is when there’s an event that event organizers looking for speakers and there’s a lot of them out there and when they’re looking for a speaker, there’s a huge risk on them. If they get a bad speaker, it’s a reflection not only on you as a bad speaker but also them as an event organizer and a lot of event organizers are very, very tight and talk to each other. On the flip side, if you’re a good, uh, if you are a good speaker, a good presenter, a good trainer, you are going to reflect well onto the event organizer and are going to spread the spread the gospel of what a great speaker you are, which is what we ideally want. If you haven’t got a warm lead into these event, different event organizers, you’re going to have to have enough or authority to de-risked this. And so I’ve developed a start or authority ecosystem where you can find out the things that you have and start packaging them together. So when you’re out there pitching these different stages and reaching out to these different people that you have your authority ecosystem set up and you’ll see why it’s an ecosystem. As we get further through today’s training. The second group of key individuals that you want to build your authority out for is of course your audience. If you had two identical people sharing the same message and one had say, being featured in the media or had written a book or had created their own supermodel speaker system versus someone just presenting it as per usual, your message is going to get a few, have positioned yourself as an authority that’s going to get through to their audience a lot better. Reason being as your audience is listening and they’re sitting there and they’re going, is this person worthy of teaching me? Look, you’re already authority being in front of them, but they’re saying, is this person or does this person have the required qualifications? And it doesn’t have to be formal qualifications or the or the authority to be able to speak on this particular thing.

And if they say yes, well that’s one barrier broken down for them to maybe decide to use products or your services. We’ll take the first course of action towards whatever change you are putting out there. So let’s jump into this. The star authority ecosystem. So each letter in the word star makes up a different strand of authority that you can build up in the first lesson. We’ve already touched on it a speaking, so just being up on a stage puts you, usually you’re elevated to everybody else and that is automatically going to position you as an authority. You’ve been invited onto that stage to be able to share something that is likely going to be a value to the majority of your audience. On the other side of it, you, you, I mean you look at the people that you look up to and a lot of them have been featured on these different stages and we’re in a world now where know a stage can be an online platform like this or a webinar or it can be a YouTube channel, social media as well as our traditional stages. And with all of these stages you’re going to have. This is why it’s really, really important if you are getting onto stage having your supermodel speaking system in place so that you are getting up there and you’re delivering something that is wrapped up and condensed as something that only you can teach. Other people may have their own methods, but you have your message, your supermodel put together. And that allows people to build their authority, uh, uh, build their respect and their trust view. Because when they’re sitting in the audience, you have to take them through the know, like, and trust process. So being up on stage as, okay, now they know who you are and then highlight in your author through either a system or some of the other things that we’re going to touch on, allows you to work through that like, and trust model. The T is, stands for the press, and that can be television, radio nowadays. It can be podcasts. It can be featured on, you know, influences, uh, social media channels, YouTube channels. You know, it can be your traditional, from your local paper all the way up to your, you know, Time magazine, your ink, your ultra Preneur, whatever space you may be in that, uh, your audiences reading, they’re gonna know, everyone listens and reads to, uh, reads different things. Uh, and being on the being in the press allows you to utilize that in different spaces. And people go, oh, okay, that person contributes for inc. Oh, they must be an authority in that space because that place would not otherwise lit, you know, any Joe blogs, right for that, uh, that type of media will just shoot back one. So the next, the, the a and the star methodology or the star ecosystem is an author and this can be putting out any type of, so you know whether that be, uh, yeah, writing a book, which is a great way to position yourself, particularly to get onto stages. It may be having a higher authority blog contributing to some of these press areas. So not just having an article written about you, but being a contributor or contributor to these different online publications or having a, having a monthly area that you can contribute to magazines or newspapers and some of them are paid, some of them aren’t. Um, you can be putting out your own content as an author that may be hosting your own podcast of have ran three different podcasts as positioning. Uh, because what it allows me to do is twofold. It allows me to rub shoulders with other high level people within that space, which lifts my or authority within that space. It has me as a thought leader because I’m speaking on it, you know, weekly or biweekly. And then also, you know, the, the connections with these high level people allows me to increase my own knowledge, ask them the questions that I wanted to and boost my, my authority. And when you look at this, every person’s going to have a better way of conveying, but all your audience like learning and listening in different ways. So, you know, I’m much more of an audio book listener than a book reader. So a person who has an audio book is just another way of getting in front of me. And I’m not saying you have to go out and create all of this content. You can just pick one area of this start or authority ecosystem and nail through that. What we’re going to go through tomorrow is the five different stages that you can get on. And I’m going to give you some real life examples with the numbers that people were generating from these different stages, but also the authority ecosystem that they have used, uh, to predominantly build up their authority in their space. And all of them have chosen one and then they’ve branched off from there. So you don’t have to feel overwhelmed that, oh, I have to have to do this and this and this and this. You’ve potentially already been featured in the press or on podcasts. They don’t have to be the world’s biggest to start building your brand and your authority. You may have already put out content. Uh, and yeah, there’s a lot of different strategies, uh, within that. And the final one, which a lot of people do use as your results, so results that you’ve got with your clients or with yourself or your expertise. So you may have a master’s or a phd or man I’ve helped 10,000 people or you know what we’ve already worked on yesterday is a supermodel. You’ve got a supermodel speaking system. You’ve got a model that people can follow which separates you even if you’re both teaching the same things. Having yours packaged up separates you from the person down the road teaching or doing, offering the same products and services. So being able to package your results in that may be in the form of testimonials. Okay, I’ve got you. You’ll see testimonials. If you scroll down from this video each day there’s different testimonials and they help position me as an authority within my space to show, hey, not only am I talking about this but I’m doing it for myself, but also my students. Right? Able to do it as well and so those results can build up your authority, your expertise within the area. Look 10 years in the industry does not mean you are an expert. Could have been doing the same one thing or one year. You could have one year of experience that you’ve done repeatedly for 10 years. What you may say, as you know, you’ve, you grew a business from zero to seven figures in two years, or you know, you’ve helped 10,000 people over the last five years or you went from this to this. Uh, and a lot of that expertise showing people that you were where they were is really good from a psychological standpoint as well for allowing them to go, oh, I can actually do this as well. So that’s the star or authority ecosystem. But the way you’re seeing it right now, I would not call it an ecosystem. What a lot of people forget is that there’s this invisible aspect of it. When you go and you get, say, results for your clients that may lead. When you start sharing that out to uh, getting invited to different speaking engagements, it may invite, uh, may result in you turning it into a system and writing about that system, either in blog posts, uh, contributing to media or even in, uh, writing your own book. It may also involve the media coming after you and checking out those results and then they all start feeding back into building up your authority. So like I said, you can just target one and often a lot of the other times those things will build. But as a speaker, we want to look at how we can amplify what we’re trying to get as much leverage as we can being a speaker rather than the one to one. We’re looking to speak to as many of our ideal clients and customers as we potentially can. So we want to amplify that and we’ve got the beauty of having social media and email and all these other, all these other mediums to be able to reach people. Now that you know, you may share clip the clips of your speaking, you may share videos or results that your clients have got. You may share your latest blog posts and all these different things and they amplify your reach. So when you’re not speaking, it’s still getting in front of the right decision makers. Uh, you know, when you’re looking to get on stages, they’ll see, oh, this person speaks on that. And it was at, uh, at a very similar conference. Uh, you know, oh, this person’s been in the media. They must be an authority in that space. So that’s the amplification that allows it to be an ecosystem that each one feeds into the other and none of them are interdependent. Uh, and so that’s why really, really stress these foundations. Getting your supermodel speaker system in place and then start packaging the things that you already have in this orthography ecosystem. Have a look, work through each one and then say how well this is the, this is a dro heavily. Have a worked through the things that you already have and then have a have a think about, hi, what do I want to add to that? And the way that I like to do this is with a really simple drill and is how would you like to be introduced onto stage? So this is the ultimate way to have yourself positioned to have somebody else talking about you before you walk onto stage so you don’t have to, yeah. Walk around. I guess Brown nosing yourself, talking about how great you are. You can have somebody else reading out what you’ve already got. It can be, yeah. Mixed up. I’ve got onto the stage, I’ve got Victor, he’s a two time bestselling author, a Tedx speaker, and he has helped thousands of other people be able to boost their, influence the authority and generate revenue from the stage with both public speaking and podcasting. So welcome to the stage victor, he penny. Being able to have those social proof indicators, those will authority markers in place is a massive difference in how your presentation will be received by your audience and how likely you are to even get on that stage when you’re reaching out to event organizers. So that should challenge. That should drill for today. It’s going to be a worksheet below a chipped that and tomorrow we’re going to be looking at the five different stages and I’m also going to be showing you behind the scenes the numbers of what you could potentially be earning in these different types of stages or a lot of people don’t even realize that opportunities. And I’m also going to be introducing for the first time outside of my one-to-one students, I’m going to be taking you through my Trojan horse method. And this Trojan horse method is what turns for figure presentations into five-figure presentations. What turns five figure into six and six figures to seven figures. And this is a very, very simple switch that 99% of speakers aren’t doing. So I really look forward to sharing that with you tomorrow. I know it’s going to be beneficial in your whole speaking journey. And then later in the week we’re going to be putting the meat onto the bones of your speak to sell presentation. So any questions? Give me an email. It’s just up there. Otherwise I will see you all tomorrow.