Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful events, including child abuse and other household challenges, that can have a negative impact on early brain development and lifelong health. In this episode, Judy Cameron, a psychiatry professor at the University of Pittsburgh, discusses her research on how early life experiences shape brain development and brain plasticity. John Hellerstedt, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services and a pediatrician by training, describes how his agency is taking action to address the challenges that ACEs pose to children and families across the state. Finally, David Lakey, chief medical officer at The University of Texas System, gives an overview of an integrated data system that maps infant maltreatment in Texas, as well as a predictive model that uses geomapping and hotspots to target prevention efforts.



Judy Cameron, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh John Hellerstedt, MD, Commissioner, Texas Department of State Health Services David Lakey, MD, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer at The University of Texas System and former ASTHO President





Early Brain Development Library

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Primary Prevention

Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences in Delaware



CDC: Adverse Childhood Experiences 

University of Pittsburgh: Working for Kids: Building Skills

University of Texas at Austin: Texas Institute for Child and Family Wellbeing