Each year, nearly 700 women in the United States die from complications related to pregnancy or delivery, with black women 3 to 4 times more likely than white women to die from a pregnancy-related cause. Three in five of these deaths can be prevented, but it involves a collaborative approach, including consistent care and cross-sector partnerships. In this episode, ASTHO’s president and leadership from CDC and HRSA discuss efforts to prevent maternal mortality and the role states and communities play to reduce racial disparities.



Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, ASTHO President and Director, Rhode Island Department of Health Wanda Barfield, MD, MPH, RADM USPHS, Director of the Division of Reproductive Health, CDC Michael D. Warren, MD, MPH, FAAP, Associate Administrator, Maternal and Child Health, HRSA



CDC Vital Signs Report on Pregnancy-Related Deaths (May 2019) CDC Levels of Care Assessment Tool (CDC LOCATe) HRSA – Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Resources HRSA’s Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health and Safety (AIM) Initiative Rhode Island’s Health Equity Zones Initiative

Evaluation Link: http://astho.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3n2oJU8B3us5j9P