Dr. Carolyn Wester, Director of the Division of Viral Hepatitis at the CDC, says the CDC has a plan to increase access to the diagnosis and treatment resources for Hepatitis C; Tim Henderson, a Reporter for Stateline, explains how wastewater testing was considered a reliable way to track community outbreaks during the COVID-19 pandemic; ASTHO has designed a toolkit showing agencies how to leverage the Healthy People 2030 process to build non-traditional partnerships; and an ASTHO report discusses how Pennsylvania agencies work together on environmental justice issues.

CDC Webpage: Hepatitis C Surveillance 2021

HHS Webpage: Launching a National Hepatitis C Elimination Program in the United States

CDC Webpage: Testing Recommendations for Hepatitis C Virus Infection

CDC Webpage: Hepatitis C Questions and Answers for Health Professionals

CDC Webpage: Professional Resources

Stateline News Article: Wastewater tests show COVID infections surging, but pandemic fatigue limits precautions

ASTHO Toolkit: Leveraging Healthy People 2030 to Build Non-Traditional Multisector Partnerships

ASTHO Report: How Pennsylvania Health Department’s Cross-Sector Partnerships Are Strengthening Climate and Environmental Justice