Dr. Molly Dickens, Founder and Director of the Maternal Stress Project, discusses the ways maternal health is impacted by stress linked to childcare; Edolem Ikerdeu, Chief for the Division of Primary and Preventive Health Services at the Palau Ministry of Health and Human Services, says they are rethinking their approach to community screening clinics for heart disease and stroke; an ASTHO Blog Article details the groundbreaking work Palau has done to develop a series of health equity indicators; and an ASTHO blog article explains that achieving health equity in retail food safety programs depends on a number of factors.

New York Times Opinion Article: What the Child Care Crisis Does to Parents

American Heart Association Webpage

ASTHO Blog Article: Lessons Learned from Palau's Journey to Develop Health Equity Indicators

ASTHO Brief: Incorporating Health Equity Into Retail Food Safety