In The Half Of The World That Flushes - Whiffs and Failures

00:00 Intro - The public mindset discussion space

00:30 theme song - We’ve got to do something

01:30 Welcome to Jeffrey’s Sunday Quarantine- Sarcasm

05:00 Dan is back - buckle up! - Singles Doesn’t care

13:00 You didn’t die is a poor baseline for vaccination

15:00 The finacias of the early time pandemic - Balancing people and business - Would Social Security have saved us? They couldn’t afford to quarantine 

21:00 administrative, engineering, personal objectives for protection - Are policy makers out of touch? Risk avoidance vs midti - How we mismanaged the micromanagement

25:00 The business side of the early pandemic - another whiff

28:00 from end the pandemic to welcome to an endemic 

30:38 Insertion point of blame - Less infectious and more deadly or less deadly and more infectious - A fools choice

35:00 Wave upon wave - prevalent strain - after omicron

38:00 outsmarting a virus - A pancorona vaccine - pan vaccines - T cells - one aspect of a bigger solution

43:00 public scrutiny created poor communication - The way it has been is the way it is. Better scientific communicators

47:00 turns out it’s going to be a long haul - We need to consider a five year plan instead of band aid policies

50:00 political trigger - Were scientist allowed to communicate freely - What we knew - what we were allowed to know - Public health vs healthcare vs specialties

53:00 wrapping up - What would the message be going forward - informing the public simplified - meeting the levels

Public Access America Sunday A.M #LiveStream 

Noon Eastern 9 A.M Pacific 11 A.M Central







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