It is undeniable that our personal journeys are constantly being influenced by experiences dating all the way back to our childhood, and they are constantly being refocused and redirected by what we experience as adults.

Such is the case with Justin Janoska, who I am thrilled to introduce you to on today's new episode of the PT Profit Podcast if you are not already familiar with his work.

If you're a return listener, then you know I love unpacking the invisible components of business, training, care, and health & wellness, and Justin and I dive deep into both big T and little T traumas today. Justin talks me through his work with his company, the Autoimmune Revolution, and how such trauma can translate into autoimmune disorders. Justin unpacks the various ways exposure plays a part in shaping our proclivity to these conditions in modern day and how that exposure starts while we are still in the womb.

This is a deep episode that really peels back how outside influence affects not only our health but our entire being.

Justin and I talk all about:
- His process on helping his clients identify traumas and unburden themselves.
- The healthcare industry and why seeking a variety of opinions can be a good thing.
- The importance of awareness and taking ownership of your story.


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About Today's Guest

Justin Janoska is on a mission to help revolutionize the way we recover from autoimmune disease after watching his mother suffer from incapacitating symptoms of Hashimoto’s for over two decades. 

Hence, the birth of his company, The Autoimmune Revolution where he guides women to regain control of their body, discover a sense of wholeness and remember what it feels to be alive. 

He holds a Master’s in Human Nutrition and has spent the past 3 years doing post-graduate work studying mind-body medicine and trauma.

What he has found is that once pockets of pain and untouched traumatic wounds have been reconciled, even the most seemingly insurmountable autoimmune diseases are able to be tamed. Transformation and transcendence is within anyone’s grasp if we are only willing to face painful truth and step outside of the conventional medical model. 

As a wounded healer himself, he supports clients to acquire a deeper understanding of their life story, how they got here, and guides them to come home to their authentic self. 

Justin and his team of trauma-informed autoimmune experts have transformed hundreds of humans who possess Hashimoto’s, Psoriasis, Lupus, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, PCOS, Infertility, Anxiety, Eating Disorders and Trauma.

The A

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