If you're a new listener, then welcome to the PT Profit Podcast! We're back after a brief hiatus, and I am so pumped at the topics and guests I have lined up. If you're a return listener, then welcome back! Thank you so much for supporting us. 

It doesn't really need to be said that human beings are diverse, extraordinary creatures. Each of us is unique. Part of that uniqueness manifests in how we each process information.

Coaches, I'm pumped to have with me the wonderful Dr. Jeremy Paster of Game Changer Physical Therapy today. Jeremy unpacks the level of detail that he goes into to help his patients, and we talk all about physical therapy and healthcare, Jeremy's "cheat code" to helping his patients, and so much more. It is a fantastic conversation that really shows the level of commitment Jeremy brings to each client.

Today, Jeremy & I talk about:
- Assessing and working with patients who come to you after working with another PT.
- The lack of precision that some clinicians offer due to their work environment.
- How he pushes himself to always keep learning and how intuition sometimes plays a part in treating his patients.

Jeremy's Game Changer Experience takes place on March 19th & 20th, 2022, Register today by visiting www.gamechangernj.com/live/.


Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.

About Today's Guest

Dr. Jeremy Paster is the owner of Game Changer Physical Therapy in Freehold, NJ. Jeremy also provides professional mentorship as well as his continuing education course, Game Changer Experience.

Jeremy is passionate about improving the quality in the field of physical therapy as well as the patient experience. He focuses on a full body approach to assessment and treatment to maximize patient outcomes and expects his patients to take an active approach in their own rehab process. Jeremy's long-term goal is to continue to see his business grow with the focus on unmatched patient outcomes and experience.

Game Changer
Jeremy on Instagram

Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale you

If you're a new listener, then welcome to the PT Profit Podcast! We're back after a brief hiatus, and I am so pumped at the topics and guests I have lined up. If you're a return listener, then welcome back! Thank you so much for supporting us. 

It doesn't really need to be said that human beings are diverse, extraordinary creatures. Each of us is unique. Part of that uniqueness manifests in how we each process information.

Coaches, I'm pumped to have with me the wonderful Dr. Jeremy Paster of Game Changer Physical Therapy today. Jeremy unpacks the level of detail that he goes into to help his patients, and we talk all about physical therapy and healthcare, Jeremy's "cheat code" to helping his patients, and so much more. It is a fantastic conversation that really shows the level of commitment Jeremy brings to each client.

Today, Jeremy & I talk about:
- Assessing and working with patients who come to you after working with another PT.
- The lack of precision that some clinicians offer due to their work environment.
- How he pushes himself to always keep learning and how intuition sometimes plays a part in treating his patients.

Jeremy's Game Changer Experience takes place on March 19th & 20th, 2022, Register today by visiting www.gamechangernj.com/live/.


Don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.

About Today's Guest

Dr. Jeremy Paster is the owner of Game Changer Physical Therapy in Freehold, NJ. Jeremy also provides professional mentorship as well as his continuing education course, Game Changer Experience.

Jeremy is passionate about improving the quality in the field of physical therapy as well as the patient experience. He focuses on a full body approach to assessment and treatment to maximize patient outcomes and expects his patients to take an active approach in their own rehab process. Jeremy's long-term goal is to continue to see his business grow with the focus on unmatched patient outcomes and experience.

Game Changer
Jeremy on Instagram

Join the Facebook community!

Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

Links & Coaching Opportunities

10-Day Content Calendar  - A free social media content calendar that helps you discover exactly what to post for the next 10 days so that you get your next few high paying clients even with just a handful of followers.

Simple Selling - A free Instant Access training designed to help personal trainers, physical therapists, and other health & wellness professionals generate revenue online without resorting to sleazy sales tactics.

Create Content that Converts - Create compelling content that sets you apart from other fitness professionals, and start easily earning revenue online – even with just 100 followers – or your money back. Grab your lifetime access now for just $37!

Beverley Simpson's PT Profit Formula & PT Profit Accelerator
- The PT Profit Formula is a 12-week step-by-step community coaching program utilizing a proven process to help you build an effective, repeatable system that consistently generates leads and customers inside your fitness business so that you can fill your client schedule and sell out your products.
- If you're ready to take the next step, then PT Profit Accelerator is the program for you! Accelerator is 12-month coaching mastermind intensive designed for high performing health and wellness professionals who are ready to scale to multiple six figures without working harder.