Fear and uncertainty is a very normal feeling to have in any business. With everything happening at the time of this recording (June 2022), it's expected that a smart coach would feel a bit of uncertainty. For a value-packed 10 minutes, we are going to unpack some things that can help you start to feel financially secure so you can bullet proof your business. If this episode helps you, please share it with the coaches in your network.

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Are you a new fitness entrepreneur looking to attract clients? Maybe you're looking to dial in your messaging? Or perhaps you're experienced and looking to scale your business?

Head on over to Facebook, and request access to my Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals group. Post an introduction about yourself, ask some questions, or let us celebrate your wins with you.

Links & Coaching Opportunities
 Beverley Simpson's PT Profit Formula & PT Profit Accelerator
- PT Profit Formula is a 12-week step-by-step community coaching program utilizing a proven process to help you build an effective, repeatable system that consistently generates leads and customers inside your fitness business so that you can fill your client schedule and sell out your products.
- If you're ready to take the next step, then PT Profit Accelerator is the program for you! Accelerator is 12-month coaching mastermind intensive designed for high performing health and wellness professionals who are ready to scale to multiple six figures without working harder.

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit beverleysimpson.substack.com