Your Role with Pain As A Personal Trainer

Guest: Lucy Hendricks, owner - Holistic Fitness Creator/ co-owner Enhancing Life LLC

Today we got to talk to coach, educator, speaker, and blogger Lucy Hendricks who not only takes a holistic approach to personal training but is known for her ability to take complicated topics and making them digestible for fitness and rehab professionals. She helps coaches who have clients that have been hindered by movement limitations get back to what they love whether it’s a competitive sport, general strength training, or living a life without pain.

In this episode you’ll learn about:

The power of letting clients who feel hopeless due to pain know they are being heard and their fitness goals addressed
What the de-conditioned population really is and the myths surrounding people who don’t work out
What the outdated theories are regarding pain in the fitness industry and how they are doing more harm than good to clients suffering from chronic pain
When it’s really time to refer someone to a specialist
How to create a community culture around your style of training


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Lucy’s website

Enhancing Life on IG

Beverley on Instagram
[email protected]