How to Assess and Train Your Client

Guest: Chris Kelly of The Fitness Rehab

I had an amazing conversation with Chris Kelly about assessing  movement and increasing performance for clients whether they are general population or professional athletes and tools that you can implement today to become an even better coach for your clients. Having been a competitive athlete whose life was impacted by injury and recovery,  he specializes in working with people using specific strength training exercises and nutrition  to help maintain and improve a better quality of life.


Essential Takeaways:

Keys to learning how to define yourself in your industry and market
The difference between an education and implementing an education
Ways to deal with client buy-in for exercises best suited to them using their own language 
Keys to assess movement in clients of all mobilities
Tips to start building principles of a solid business foundation
What the best practices are to letting go of ego to move forward for yourself


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Chris Kelly’s The Fitness Rehab on IG:

Chris Kelly Vocal Fitness IG


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