Today we have the brilliant Dr. Dani Antonellos joining us from Australia, and we talked all about her journey as an osteopath and what bought her into that practice. We also tackled the differences between a physio and an osteopath as well as the crossover between physical therapy and personal training.

Dani shared with me about her teaching practices, including what makes it stand out from other trainers. We talk about how is she educating both clients and other fitness professionals, and we dive into the topics of Bracing, Hip Hinge and Breathing. She also shares with me how she manages her own pain and her experience in growing her business during the pandemic.

You'll hear Dani talk to me about:
- Everyday movements you should pay attention to.
- Understanding core training.
- When to know when you need to change or continue a program.


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About Today's Guest

Dr. Dani Antonellos is an Osteopath and Exercise Rehabilitation specialist from Australia. She has been a personal trainer since 2013, working with patients ranging from beginners to competitive athletes. She has also worked as a coach in Hattie Boydle’s team “The Sports Model Project.”

In addition to coaching, Dani competes as a professional WBFF Bikini Athlete and has been a high level tennis player for 15 years. She also hosts the Level Up podcast alongside Sharelle Grant..

United Health Education
Dani on Instagram
Level Up Podcast on Instagram

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