Coaches, today I am so pumped to be introducing you to the future Mr. Olympia, Alex Tilinca. In this episode, we talked all about the misconceptions about the sport of body building. Alex helps take a close look at regulations and lack thereof, why there might not be regulations in some areas, and how that doesn't necessarily affect the competition. Everyone is unique.

We also talked about nutrition specifics and how being in your off-season can affect you. (Spoiler: This is a topic I also dive into with Jonathan Munoz next Thursday!) Alex also talks to me about how we can use some of the practices from bodybuilding and translate them to our gen-pop clients.

You'll hear me talk to Alex about:
- How to manage recovery and how to avoid illness.
- Carbohydrates and how wrong some people get them.
- How to determine if your nutrition plan works.


About Today's Guest

Alex Tilinca is a 20-year-old NPC bodybuilder from Long Island, New York. He is a coach for clients as well as a full-time college student. He also happens to be a transgender man but has never allowed this to define him or his capabilities.

Alex aims to be the first transgender man to make it to the Mr. Olympia stage.

Alex Tilinca on Instagram 
Alex Tilinca on YouTube
Alex Tilinca Newsday Article
Alex Tilinca Mirror Article

Join my Facebook community!

Looking to interact with other trainers, clinicians, and health and wellness professionals? Head on over to my free Facebook group to request access.

Inside the group, I share daily content as well as lead live trainings that you won't want to miss.

BSimpsonFitness Links

Simple Selling LIVE - A free 3-part live training designed to help personal trainers, physical therapists, and other health & wellness professionals genera

Coaches, today I am so pumped to be introducing you to the future Mr. Olympia, Alex Tilinca. In this episode, we talked all about the misconceptions about the sport of body building. Alex helps take a close look at regulations and lack thereof, why there might not be regulations in some areas, and how that doesn't necessarily affect the competition. Everyone is unique.

We also talked about nutrition specifics and how being in your off-season can affect you. (Spoiler: This is a topic I also dive into with Jonathan Munoz next Thursday!) Alex also talks to me about how we can use some of the practices from bodybuilding and translate them to our gen-pop clients.

You'll hear me talk to Alex about:
- How to manage recovery and how to avoid illness.
- Carbohydrates and how wrong some people get them.
- How to determine if your nutrition plan works.


About Today's Guest

Alex Tilinca is a 20-year-old NPC bodybuilder from Long Island, New York. He is a coach for clients as well as a full-time college student. He also happens to be a transgender man but has never allowed this to define him or his capabilities.

Alex aims to be the first transgender man to make it to the Mr. Olympia stage.

Alex Tilinca on Instagram 
Alex Tilinca on YouTube
Alex Tilinca Newsday Article
Alex Tilinca Mirror Article

Join my Facebook community!

Looking to interact with other trainers, clinicians, and health and wellness professionals? Head on over to my free Facebook group to request access.

Inside the group, I share daily content as well as lead live trainings that you won't want to miss.

BSimpsonFitness Links

Simple Selling LIVE - A free 3-part live training designed to help personal trainers, physical therapists, and other health & wellness professionals generate revenue online without resorting to sleazy sales tactics. The training begins on September 15th. Register now!

Create Content that Converts - Create compelling content that sets you apart from other fitness professionals, and start easily earning revenue online – even with just 100 followers – or your money back. Grab your lifetime access now for just $37!

Beverley Simpson's PT Profit Formula & PT Profit Formula Plus - A complete step-by-step process to create a sales system inside your business so that you can fill your client schedule and sell out your products without sleazy sales.

Beverley Simpson: PT Profit Formula on Facebook

Online Marketing for Fitness Professionals Facebook Group

@bsimpsonfitness on Instagram

@bsimpsonfitness on TikTok

Contact Beverley

Do you follow Beverley on Facebook or Instagram yet? What are you waiting for? Head over to Beverley Simpson: PT Profit Formula on Facebook and to @bsimpsonfitness on Instagram, and follow her and her team for additional daily content.