Corin Grillo is a licensed psychotherapist, author of the famous book "The Angel Experiment", guest on GAIA TV's Beyond Belief, speaker, healer, teacher, and founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy.  She also does private Business Consulting where she helps heart-centered badasses gain confidence in their message and their unique offering to the world.
She assists them in developing kick-ass juicy online courses, webinars, copywriting and visibility strategies.
A mind-blowing miracle from the angels saved Corin's life, cured her of life-long depression, and awakened her spiritual gifts.  She now teaches others all over the world how to awaken their spiritual gifts, heal their lives, and discover their true purpose by working with angels and the Divine.She teaches by bridging others with direct mystical experiences, excessive amounts of laughter, down to earth spiritual wisdom, ritual, and powerful energy medicine that awakens the heart, mind, and soul.In this amazing episode we discuss the importance of remaining in the present and staying connected to this reality in order to witness miracles.  Angels are always with us but you have to reach out to them if you want to communicate with them, a point most people forget.  You have to invite them into your life if you would like their guidance.Spirit is begging us to make  changes so that we can live an extraordinary life and step into our deeper soul-mission.

Right now, the same thing could be happening to you. Are you ready to learn how to call them in?  Right now the angels are calling you, I highly recommend you do whatever you can to pick up the phone and answer the dang call!
So many people are STRUGGLING in a big way because the energy is intense on the planet and many of us are going through major transformation. It’s times like these that we often lose our connection with spirit.  We let life and demands dictate how to react to things instead of acting proactively which creates blocks! Trust me, after this episode the Angels told me they have big plans for us and good times are headed your way, but you have to stop being so hard on yourselves and listen to the guidance they have for you. 

Don't miss this episode, Corin is one of the funniest, most down to earth people I have ever met and this podcast was one of my favorite episodes I have ever recorded In this episode you will see even a woman who talks to Angels all day is real and has real life issues. It's the way she handles those issues that showed me the Angels are guiding her to a higher path and made me more determined than ever to become an angel whisperer myself.  Since I started bringing them into my life every day I've noticed I am happier than ever and things roll off my shoulders with ease.  Each of you can speak to your angels, its one of the easiest things I've done when it comes to metaphysics and they LOVE to help! Tune in to find out how you can become your own Angel Whispering expert today! 

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