How has technology changed the ways resources are allocated in top-performing services businesses? What are the processes that support this change? How can resource management techniques drive increased operational efficiency and revenue?

Randy Mysliviec discusses resource management disruption in this illuminating podcast, published in advance of the Resource Management Global Symposium in Dallas, Texas on October 3-4.

How has technology changed the ways resources are allocated in top-performing services businesses? What are the processes that support this change? How can resource management techniques drive increased operational efficiency and revenue?

Randy Mysliviec discusses resource management disruption in this illuminating podcast, published in advance of the Resource Management Global Symposium in Dallas, Texas on October 3-4.

MD of the Resource Management Institute and CEO of RTM Consulting, Randy advises multi-national organizations on operational efficiency and is an acknowledged expert on the changing practices in resource management.

We are delighted to offer this free podcast, the latest in a series of Professional Services Insights podcasts, as a taster for the forthcoming symposium, which Kimble is co-sponsoring.