Potencionálne Pokračujúci Podcast Progressbaru | PPPP#02

Rozhodli sme sa trochu zaznamenať naše voľné diskusie, ktoré riešime denne v Progressbare a na rôznych kanáloch Progressbaru týkajúce sa crypto tém, či už Ethereum, projektov okolo alebo Bitcoinu.

Telegram channel PPPP - https://t.me/joinchat/Bv6P61Xx8HqkuEn8Ht4tbw

PPPP playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfCtn83lMV3CzkXkGdkdUnNZvD5c4hBbC

Navštívte Progressbar - hackerspace a cowork v Bratislave - https://cowork.progressbar.sk

Crypto komunita a meetupy, voľné stoly v coworku


Web - https://cowork.progressbar.sk

Telegram Channel - https://t.me/coworkprogressbar

Events - https://www.facebook.com/progressbar/events

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/progressbar_sk

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/progressbar

Rent Meeting Room - https://cowork.progressbar.sk/meeting-room-cowork-bratislava

Rent Fixdesk in Cowork - https://cowork.progressbar.sk/fixdesk-cowork-bratislava

Support community - https://donate.progressbar.sk



Obsah tohoto podcastu je čisto zábavného charakteru. Nie je investičným ani finančným odporučením. Kryptomeny sú veľmi rizikové a experimentálne aktívum, nemali by ste preto do nich dávať ani o chlp viac peňazí než si môžete dovoliť stratiť.



Matej Galvánek (Fisky) //






Matej Nemček (Wao) //








Ethereum hardfork prebehol - kto si stavil long ten vyhral


(Mineri nadavaju)

Prichádza Istanbul - ProgPow implementation upcoming


Serenity - čo to je? (Eth 2.0 )

Serenity is the final phase of Ethereum. The main highlight of the upgrade is the shift from Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm to Proof-of-Stake Consensus algorithm and the introduction of Beacon and Casper on Ethereum. This phase would also make way for the eWasm upgrade.

ProgPow, aka Programmatic Proof-of-Work is the upgrade that is much-awaited by the mining community of Ethereum. Due to rising concerns over centralization, this implementation will reportedly bring down the control of ASIC miners and support the GPU mining part of the community.

ProgPow - https://ambcrypto.com/ethereum-eth-core-devs-decide-to-tentatively-go-ahead-with-asic-resistant-progpow-implementation/

Bitcoin fixed cap security in question - inflation (Peter Todd) small blocks (Luke Jr), BSV - unlimited blocks

BTC ako securing layer pre shitcoiny? https://www.veriblock.com/

Nárast lendingu - rehypothecation https://www.theblockcrypto.com/2019/02/15/rehypothecation-btcs-path-to-becoming-king-of-collateral/

Road to become a collateral?

DEXes - Uniswap: https://uniswap.io/ ( https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0B8zV_XQAAycxd.jpg )


Totle - ETH DEX aggregator - https://www.totle.com/ - https://app.totle.com/

Binance DEX - https://www.binance.com/en/blog/304867000443084800/Binance-Launches-DEX-Testnet-for-the-New-Era-of-PeertoPeer-Cryptocurrency-Trading

(na Tenderminte, no smart contracts), Binance launchpad (BNB pumps)


DutchX - https://blog.gnosis.pm/introducing-the-gnosis-dutch-exchange-53bd3d51f9b2

White knights - Into the Ether podcast - https://podcast.ethhub.io/ - https://ethhub.io

Shilling Progressbar Cowork Bratislava - https://cowork.progressbar.sk

- rozmýšlame o platenom Ethereum VIP channeli na telegrame

- máme voľne fixdesky v coworku - https://cowork.progressbar.sk/fixdesk-cowork-bratislava

Geon - Geomining - https://forum.poa.network/t/geon-network-accelerates-its-geon-dapp-by-teaming-up-with-poa-network/2107

Payment xDAI under stream for motivation - https://xdai.io


This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit pppp.substack.com

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