Our special guest, Charlotte Hunter, explores the phases of menopause, the hormonal upheaval, and their compounded impact on women's health. Charlotte's profound expertise provides much-needed clarity and empathy towards the changes women experience during this significant period of life.

Key Takeaways:

Menopause encompasses three distinct phases: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause, each with unique challenges.

Estrogen plays a pivotal role in various bodily functions, and its fluctuations during menopause can lead to significant health changes, including gut permeability and inflammation.

Personalized nutrition, including an emphasis on gut health, is crucial for managing menopausal symptoms effectively.

Collagen supplementation can provide considerable benefits for skin, hair, joint health, and gut integrity.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be beneficial but should be a personalized decision based on individual health needs and preferences.

More of Charlotte Hunter:

Charlotte has been in practice since 2010, and specialises in the metabolic implications of menopause, particularly in premature, surgical, and complex cases. After personally experiencing surgical menopause in 2019, she founded a Menopause Nutrition business to empower women with food-based solutions.

Charlotte leads a team of dedicated nutritional therapists in her busy practice, engaging with clients in group settings and one-on-one consultations. She also created the Hormone Connection Membership in 2021, an online practitioner training and mentorship space.

Charlotte’s mission is to guide women through the twists, turns, and loop-the-loops of menopause. With the help of evidence-based nutrition and personalised support, she is committed to helping women thrive through menopause by empowering them with practical solutions. Website Instagram   Connect with me!: Website Instagram Facebook YouTube  

Our special guest, Charlotte Hunter, explores the phases of menopause, the hormonal upheaval, and their compounded impact on women's health. Charlotte's profound expertise provides much-needed clarity and empathy towards the changes women experience during this significant period of life. Key Takeaways:

Menopause encompasses three distinct phases: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause, each with unique challenges.

Estrogen plays a pivotal role in various bodily functions, and its fluctuations during menopause can lead to significant health changes, including gut permeability and inflammation.

Personalized nutrition, including an emphasis on gut health, is crucial for managing menopausal symptoms effectively.

Collagen supplementation can provide considerable benefits for skin, hair, joint health, and gut integrity.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be beneficial but should be a personalized decision based on individual health needs and preferences.

More of Charlotte Hunter:

Charlotte has been in practice since 2010, and specialises in the metabolic implications of menopause, particularly in premature, surgical, and complex cases. After personally experiencing surgical menopause in 2019, she founded a Menopause Nutrition business to empower women with food-based solutions. Charlotte leads a team of dedicated nutritional therapists in her busy practice, engaging with clients in group settings and one-on-one consultations. She also created the Hormone Connection Membership in 2021, an online practitioner training and mentorship space. Charlotte’s mission is to guide women through the twists, turns, and loop-the-loops of menopause. With the help of evidence-based nutrition and personalised support, she is committed to helping women thrive through menopause by empowering them with practical solutions. Website Instagram   Connect with me!: Website Instagram Facebook YouTube