Today’s featured guest is Ian Cheadle from @DaytonHardwoodCo

He is actually in the process of launching his new brand name and logo this week! He has desired for a long time to narrow down and focus on a niche, and that’s exactly what he is doing. He has went from “doing it all” in construction, to specializing  in hardwood floors. At the time we recorded this interview he hadn’t fully decided what he was going to do with his brand name and everything, so you will hear as we discuss how he is working through all those decisions. It’s a very important journey that many of us as business owners can relate to. I know you’ll have a takeaway from today’s story.  So, listen all the way to the end. And be inspired!

Plus, We just published a brand new article on the Protractor Blog by Jonathan Walters. It’s all about Construction Intuition. He talks about how to use your intuition in your contracting business. One example he works through is the estimating process. You may use science and math to create an accurate estimate, but with time you will develop intuition as well. Your intuition coupled with science and math will help you create a much more realistic estimate and safeguard you from potential problems down the road. It’s a great read. Check it out today in the articles section at

Also, if you have not yet got your copy of my book Contractor Marketing Simplified .. Then you can get a free copy here in the USA. This book will show you step by step how to establish your online presence in such a way that you are found by your ideal customers. If you would like to get a free copy of this book, just go to  Just help with the shipping and handling and we will send you your free copy right away!

Our #ProtractorTip from Brad Leavitt with @AFT_Construction is all about "Knowing Your Demo." He stresses the importance of knowing your demographic on social media and thinking through how you post for them. It's a great tip! Listen to it today and be inspired!

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